Chapter 25

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When we got home Ally slept on the couch,simply because she didn't make it to the bed. I rid the house of any alchohol content. They don't need any for a very long time.

I had risen early in the morning to set my plan in motion. Knowing their hangovers would keep them sleeping for a long time. I had called Shannon and Camden over and told them to bring starbucks. We'd need it. Then I also called Danny. Once they were over I had explained everything.

I decided we'd need the closest parts of our family over to remind us why we're all a family in the first place. Because we love eachother even when it hurts,and to ease the pain when it does start to hurt.

Shannon and Cammie are going to bring Stevie to the bar where I first met them. Danny and I are going to do the same with Ally. The bar isn't open this early so I know neither of them will make their self sick.

"Nicole,water." Ally said getting up from the couch. "What is everyone doing here?"

Danny went to get her water

"Oh,Shannon and Cammie as r e suppose to make a video with Stevie today. I told them they could wait here until she wakes up. You, Danny, and I need to go somewhere. I'll get you starbucks to help with that migrane?"

"Alright,let's go." She says gulping down her water.

That was easier than I thought. Now, after I get her Starbucks like I said I would, I'll be on my way down there.
Shannon should have Stevie up by now on her way as well.

"Alli,I'm so sorry for pushing you dow m lastnight, I didn't know what I was doing. I was hurt and confused,drunk me thought that was a smart idea and it wasn't. I was a bitch." Ally said looking like she was recovering well.

"Honestly, I think you're still hurting. My broken skin will heal quickly. Your mental pain needs help that doesn't require alcohol. I know you're not use to all of this drama. So much trauma happening so quickly isn't something you've prepaired for. It's hard for you and I'm sorry for being so late on realizing it. That pain you're feeling is something I've already over came. You haven't had time to process any of it yet. You've been too busy being everyone's rocked,or at least trying to be. Things are gonna be okay again real soon. Until then,this time I'll be your rock."

"So will I." Danny speaks up placing his hand on her knee to give reassurance."

She just cried. I haven't seen her cry in what feels like a billion years. Each tear falling was something she was trying to let go of. She had so much to let go of. We just let her cry. Gave her comfort and a shoulder to cry on. Trying to make this as healing for her as possible.

"Now Ally, we've all been a little lost lately. Not just you and Stevie I've been a little lost myself. Like nothing is going right,and this all hardly seems worth it anymore. So I'm gonna take us somewhere to remind us what home is." My voice was friendly and kind.

"A place what made us all,us. A place with memories before Allie and after. What gave our big family another piece of love,and no I'm so happy we were given it." Danny said smiling at me.

"Are you guys talking about Arby's? I really want some Arby's!"

We laughed and told her no. That were taking her to a bit of a different scene.

By the time we got there Shannon and Cammie just pulled in with Stevie. I stepped out and walked to the door. The girls leaned up against their car,Danny against mine. Ally and Stevie approached me,confusion written on they're face.

"Why did you have them bring me here. Especially to see someone who doesn't want to see me." Stevie said snapping at me.

"I never said I didn't want to see you!" Ally snapped at her.

"Yiu sure haven't been acting like it!" Stevie yelled in return.

"Hush!" I yelled to the both of them. "Listen for a moment. Please? This is where I first met you guys. We instantly knew we wanted one another in our lives. I was lost and you found me. You went to incredible lengths to get me and went even further to try and protect me. It's been dramatic,hetic,insane. All for one reason. We love eachother. Stevie, you and I never had a real family so we made one. Ally you helped by being apart of it. This all started here. This is where family was made. This is where Ally met Danny too. I was lost and you found me. Now you two are lost. Now we are gonna help you find eachother. Ally like I said earlier things have been hard and they won't always be. They won't always be good either. It's life. You just have to let us help you. Your depression is getting worse and that's why you're so distant. Stevie you've been blaming yourself and it's not your fault. I brought you here to clear your heads. To remind you of why we are where we are."

"She's right you know. Both of you try to take care of everyone besides yourselves lately. Yiu gotta start letting us in. What's the point of even making a family if you aren't gonna act like one?" Shannon said speaking to them both.

"Yeah,yeah she is.." Stevie said starting to cry. I'm starting to think today is just a day of healing for us all. "I'm sorry guys,especially to you Ally I should've known. I made it about me."

Ally grabbed her hands tightly and kissed her. "It's okay,I could've gotten helped but I refused. You can't help someone who doesn't want it. I'm ready now." She strokes Stevie's hair. "It's ready to have help."

They hugged so tightly I could literally feel my family being pushed back together.

"Everyone get in this right now!"

We all joined in a group hug. We all thanked one another for the things we've done for eachother. For acceptance and understanding. For keeping the deep dark secrets and making some together. For being exactly what the other needed.
We all knew without even one of these people in our lives, life just wouldn't be the same. Because of that we all had an "Oh wow moment"

Things aren't perfect now, just better. We have things to fix and I have to explain the lack of beer and wine. We're okay though. After everything. We are finally okay

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