Chapter 21

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It's been awhile and Ally acts like the conversation didn't happen. She act towards Stevie as she always has. It makes me gringe. They still look so perfect next to eachother. Like I've painted them.

Things are acting normal but they don't feel it. When Stevie is gone it's like Ally isn't even Ally. She's closed off. Distant. The most she has said to me when we're by ourselves is asking me if Torey is alright. She acts as if I've done something wrong.

I'm still afraid to even mention Steph to them. They've come to,well not neccasarily like her,but they don't hate her anymore due to a silly and past issue. Long story short they think she only cares about what she wants and doesn't think about consequences. That she doesn't take responsibility for her actions as well. They think she'll hurt me.

Which is actually complete bull shit.

Tonight I'm going to see her. For a night she'll melt all my worries away and it'll be just us. Today out of all times to have a date,bad timing I know. We have the worst timing,but at least we always have the best times within them.

She told me it was a suprise,but to meet her at Starbucks.

Once I'm ready to go I tell them I'm off to see Torey,Ally asked why Torey wouldn't come there. I told her it's obvious why. She just nodded and let me go.

I made it to Starbucks and I see her there,the night life bring out the light in her eyes. She already had my Mocha coconut coffee in her left hand. My favorite thing besides her. I read the name,but it wasn't my own. But I cute little title " My Girlfriend ♡" the heart was drawn and everything. I still bet money she had written it herself. I let out a giggle.

"Cheesy I know! I'm trying to be cute okay!" She smiles through every word laughing at herself.

"No,dear, it's cute. I love it. Where else is the night going to take us?"

"Am I driving your car or mine?"

"Here's the keys,you decide."

She used her free hand to grab my own and guided me to the car. Opening the door for me like the gentlemen she is.

"Thank you my lady!" A grin grew across my face as I spoke.

"Of course Madam!" She did curtsey out side of the car almost spilling her coffee.

Once she gets in the car our hands find their way to eachother and she starts driving. I ask where we're going and then she confesses she doesn't have an exact plan per say. More of an idea. I hesitantly ask for the idea,then her soft voice began to explain. She has enough money on hand for whatever the night ends up being. She has her lucky coin to flip at every red light to decide if we go left or right. We'd do this until we found a place of interest,or wanted to go home. Maybe we'd discover more of the city she thought.

She was right. We did this for half the night. Laughing and making inside jokes. Falling into eachothers words and getting lost not in the city but eachother. Eventually we stopped at this old park.

The handle bars were rusted. One of the swing were broken and there was a basketball goal with no net. A tire leaned up against a slide. It doesn't sound like much,but it caught her eye.

"This place has so much history. Look people have even carved on the handle bars. There's rust on the chains for the swing. So many people have been here and seen this. I love old things like this. I know I might sound crazy,but I guess it's hard to understand. This place has brought so many memories and has played a part in thousands of lives,and that includes ours. The fact so many individual moments has had the same setting as our present. It's weird. You only see the park,but not what the park has done."

She made me think about a lot in that moment. How this rust was once stainless steal that that little boys had leaned upon trying to impress their first crush. How the handlebars had fresh paint teenagers had carved their momentary love into. How nothing is as it seems. That things are so much more than meets the eye. I guess that includes her.

She decided to get inside of the tire. Her slim body fit inside perfectly. Her hands are perfectly placed to hold herself inside. Her smile is so wide. She gives me the ready and I began pushing her. She roles and roles and we laughed and laughed. I lost control,she panicked and fell out of the tire,how it happened exactly I don't know. I know she couldn't breathe from laughing at herself. I helped pull her up by offering my hand,and she took it. I pulled her over to the swing that looked the most stable and sat down. She placed herself in my lap.

My arms wrapped perfectly around her. Her arms over mine,my cheek against her back.

"You're so brilliant,you know that?"


"Was I meant to call you something else?"

"No,not really. You just usually hear beautiful on the first date."

"Oh well I'm sor-"
She cut me off

"No,thank you. I loved it. It's nice to hear that I'm more than just beautiful. You hear it so much and you think that's all you are. You like my mind too. Besides,beautiful is basic."

"You're something else babe. You really are."

"But you love it."

"I do."

Everything vanished. The next thing I knew I felt the silky touch of her lips against mine. I'd say I took her breath away but I'm not sure if either of us knew who's air we were breathing. Her hands in my hair before I even noticed she was straddling me. My hands running up and down her spine as I begin kissing her neck. Lightly biting it as she begs for more.
I lift her shirt and start kissing every inch I could. My shirt starts rising until you hear dogs barking.

She falls out of my lap onto her back and I quickly stand lifting her up. She uses her shirt to shield herself from whoever might be lurking. She grabs my hand and we start running to the car laughing.

I can here someone screaming "What are you kids doing! Get back here!"

I take the drivers seat and went out of there so fast we left scuff marks.

"That was close!" She said smiling at me.

"You're telling me" my laughter hardly let me get out.

She slowly put back on her shirt,and I drive her back to her care. She gave me a light kiss and we went home. I knew she took my breath away then. Cause it made it hard to breathe the further I got away from her.

Finding A Home part 2Where stories live. Discover now