Chapter 13

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She shot him once in the knee,twice in his shoulder. The flash fom the gunshots was almost blinding. She almost went to shoot my mom as she cried over my father. And he moaned in agony due to the pain he was in. But she stopped firing. She realized she had done enough.

I could hear Torey run inside to the room we were in. She stod there frozen. Absolutely speachless. She just stood there staring at all the blood. All the tears in the dim room. I'm unsure what could've went through her head. But I knew that for the both of us. It was far more than traumatic.

I collapsed in a ball. I didn't cry. I couldn't cry. I couldn't think I couldn't do anything. I could just lay there. Everything went silent as I stared into the dresser I was infront of. It's like the gunshots made me deaf. But I think it was just my brain trying to figure out how to react for me. Cause I couldn't fathom what had just happened.

When my hearing came back I turned the other way looking up at Stevie. "I wouldn't call the cops or much worse will happen. I've done a lot and have gotten away before. I can do it again and the next time I'm here you're dead. I don't care what you have to say. But we were never here." She spoke almost emotionless.

My father for the first time ever I seen fear. He nodded. Saying nothing. Just fighting the pain. My mother did too unable to speak do to the sobs she was letting out over him.

Stevie's face began to change as she looked around the room. At me. At Ally. In that moment she had realized what she had done,what she could've done. She dropped the gun and head towards the door. She stopped as she looked at Torey. Torey still speechless.

"Wait. Why? You? Here? I um. I can't do this. I can't do anything." She began to stutter and babbling pushing Torey out of the way.

I kinda just layed there. Torey and Ally did pick me up. I didn't move though. I couldn't speak. I couldn't handle what was going on. I couldn't handle anything. Torey decided to carry me which Ally let happen so she could run to Stevie.

Stevie was out in the car crying. "I almost killed them. I just wanted to protect Allie. I just wanted to protect us. I didn't know what I was doing. My head hurts. I didn't know what I was doing. She began to bang her head on the stirring wheel. Her stitches were bleeding.

"Stevie stop! Stop you're hurting yourself!" All screamed running iver there too her.

"We're okay. We'll get past this. We're all okay. We can go home and we can get past this." Ally says pulling Stevie into her lap.

"Okay" She speaks just loud enough for you to understand what she was saying.

She gets in the passanger seat and Ally hands her napkins for the blood.

"Come on Nicole. Let's go home.." Ally said as her voice is cracking. I don't think she knows how to deal with this either.

Torey let's go of me allowing me to stand on my own two feet. Nit that I wanted to.

"I need to go to Torey's. I don't think I can be at home now." I say looking into her eyes hoping she'd understand.

"But All's , I didn't really mean for this to happen. Please forgive me. I just wanted to be there for you. I wasn't thinking. Allie please don't hate me. I love you. Don't go." Waterfalls form over her eyes rushing over her causing rivers on her soft cheeks.

"I love you too Stevie. But I can't do this tonight. I can't be with you tonight. I love you. But I can't." My voice sounded like a scratched cd. Skipping,barely able to understand due to the crying I finally had the strength to do.

Ally looked at me and gave me a smile. Not out of happiness. But of security. She made me know that it was okay that we'd somehow fix this.

I honestly think she trust Torey. I think after tonight she knows Torey is just here for me now. That she cares for me and will do what's best,even if that means helping her ex and her ex's gf.

They pull out. Stevie looks at me as the drive away. Looking at me with desperation. What she was desprate for o couldn't tell. My forgiveness. A second chance. Or maybe for everything to just be over. But I knew she was desprate for something. Cause I could tell she seen it in me too.

I went to the car with Torey and we held hands the entire car ride. Like we were trying to hold on to our sanity.

"Are you ready to talk" She asked when we made it inside her house.

I liked to hear that. "Are you ready"
She's not asking me to talk. Or implying that I must. She's asking me if I'm able to right now. If I want to talk and if so do I want to at this moment. She wasn't prying. She was just offering an ear to listen.

"No." I said bluntly

"Okay,I know it might be hard for you but you need rest. Your body has endured alot and there's a lot of trauma on your mind. Especially sense the coma you were in didn't help."

I didn't bother fighting. I didn't want to. I didn't want to do anything. So we got into bed together like we had when we were kids. Cuddling for comfort. The way good friends and family due. She began stroking my hair and I quickly dozed off into a dreaming state.

I dreamed of what was suppose to happen. I dreamed of me finding Torey in that store instead of my fthaer and reconnecting with her. I dreamed of the wedding I was meant to be in. Of the healthy relationship I was suppose to end up with. Of me being able to date my best friend. I dreamt of a happier place. A place I wish I could be.

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