Chapter 23

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Stevie's POV

Allie has been wonderful lately. Always picking me up, I don't know how she does it. Especially sense I feel like an anchor.

I'm not sure what I'm suppose to do about Ally though. She's so distant. All we do is fight about the littlest things. Half of the time I'm not even sure what we're fighting about. It puts an ache in my stomach. She used to lay so close to me,now she's all the way at the edge of the bed.
I reach to hold her and she pulls away. I can't wrap my head around what's wrong. On what I've done.

We don't fight around Allie though. We don't won't her to worry or see it,but she already knows. It's almost pointless to try to act okay in front of her. I guess we don't want her to see how bad things have gotten. I don't want her to feel like she's losing either of us. I know no matter what happens. Both of us will always come together for her.

Today I'm going to Shan and Cammie's to shoot ideas around. That's later this evening though. Now,I'm home alone.

My thoughts have come to a standill. Everything is silent. I sit on the couch we picked out together, rubbing my hands on the soft fabric trying to feel the laughter and yawns created that day. My eyes walk through the empty room and realize,it's not really empty. There's love in this room. Heart ache. Hope. Maybe still,a future.

The memories I tried to keep in escaped me. They ran quickly down my cheek,cool. Maybe they're meant to be refreshing. They fall onto the table and ripple. Becoming so small like they are nothing at all. Which put a knife in my heart,these memories aren't nothing. We aren't nothing.

I'm done with her fighting me over nothing. I'm finished with her silence,I'm going to fight for her. I'm making her actually talk to me. I can't keep letting her brush this off and repeatedly say everything is fine. Not when we both know it's not.

I'm just so tired of it all. I need a drink.

End of POV

Early this morning I went to see Torey. I brought breakfast and talked to her. It wasn't anything big,I just missed her. So we talked,and drunk, and did our traditional dance session.
Our hair flying around in the air like it was trying to free itself. Smiles so big on out faces as if that's all that was there. No we didn't do a big thing. But a blast it was.

I went to Stephs after and brought her lunch,like the wonderful girlfriend I am it also ocompanied her favorite starbucks coffee.

Thankfully we got to finish what we started at the park the other night. More than once. Too bad we had noise complaints.

Once I left it was about seven at night. Ally texted me to inform me she wasn't coming home tonight,she drunk a lot at Danny boys and will continue to do so. Leaving her unable to drive home. I offered to pick her up but she said she's just staying there.

I stopped to get gas and Cammie called me.


Cammie: Hey,are you home?

Me: I'm on my way,do you need something?

Cammie: Well we were just wondering if you've talked to Stevie much today. She was suppose to come over but she hasn't shown. She won't respond to text or calls. Ally said she couldn't get a hold of her either.

Me: No actually. I texted her and she didn't reply. I didn't think much of it. Assumed she was busy.

Cammie: Do you mind if we come over sense we don't live that far. I know she's been upset lately I just want to check on her.

Me: Of course. Please. I'll be there soon after you. I'm sure she just misplaced her phone though. It be good for you guys to come over for her either way. Things have just been hard lately for her. You know that.

Cammie: Alright,we're on our way. Thank you.

Me: Of course.

I'm not all that worried,I think her phone is probably lost, or more likely she's asleep with noodle laying on her back. Cammie and Shannon will brighten her mood anyway. They're her best friends. They always do.

I finally got home and I heard Cam shriek. I ran in as soon as possible. Bottles where everywhere. Stevie passed out in the floor with red covering her face. It looks like she was bleeding from her nose.

We didn't take much time to process. We moved rather quickly.

Shannon: Guys we have to get her to the hospital now. Allie help me carry her to your car. We'll follow you there.

I felt like I was carrying a dead body. I was trying to keep my cool. Breathing in slowly exhaling out my mouth the way I was taught to. I couldn't afford a panic attack now. She needs me.

I can't believe we're going to the hospital. Again. I feel like we're just repeating the same shit over and over.

We get her in the hospital. The doctors tell me she is going to be fine they're getting the alcohol out of her system. Not to be alarmed by what we thought was blood. It was only a part of the drink she was making. They mentioned it was a very close call,if she drunk just a little more it could've killed her.

I was pissed,sorry,confused. As was Shannon and Cammie.

I couldn't believe she'd do this. Why would she allow herself to get this bad? She was fine when I left this morning. The fact she'd put us through this. I guess I can't say much sense she's going through hell of her own. Still though. This is too much.

Stevie finally woke up. Mumbling to herself "What happened?"

"You almost killed yourself that's what fucking happened!" I said loudly

"Hey,calm down Allie." Shannon spoke sternly to me

"No! She could've died. She could've fucking took herself away from me. I need her. Did you even think about me Stevie!? Did I even go through your mind?"

"Allie Nicole calm down! Now! You have no idea what happened! We're just as upset as you are but let her talk. I don't think she was trying to kill herself." Cammie yelled at me.

So I did. I hushed and Stevie finally had room to speak.

But her first words weren't an explanation. All she said was "Where's Allison?"

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