14 - Mirror

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Patrick's POV

We sat and talked in the kitchen until we heard my dad coming up the driveway. We went into the lounge and slouched in the chairs as if we had been there a while. I only slouched around people I felt comfortable with but this time I did it automatically. I don't know why, my body must still be tired I suppose. Dad opens the front door.
"I'm home Patrick, Pete!" He calls.
"In here!" I shout back to him. He brings two takeaway bags into the lounge and hands us one each.
"There you go" He smiles, patting me on the head before leaving the room.
"Woah, this is a lot" Pete said, looking through the bag. I look through mine. He had got my usual order. Two cheese burgers, one large fries and one milkshake. My dad confused me. Just the other day he was on about me loosing weight and then he brings me home all this. Oh well, I wasn't complaining.

Pete's POV

I had the same as Patrick. His dad was so nice but he was never leaving Patrick alone about his weight. Like, Patrick clearly knew he was overweight, why couldn't his dad just drop it. I suddenly realized that I had just been staring at the food in my bag.
"You okay Pete?" Patrick asks. 
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine" I say, taking one of the cheese burgers out of the bag and unwrapping it. Patrick does the same. I watched him eat it really fast. I think that was partly his problem. He ate too fast when it came to junk food. He went through both the burgers before I even started on my second. He also, I noticed, hadn't sat up when he ate. He was still slouching. I started to wonder if he ever ate at the table before I came. 

After we ate our food, neither of us could be bothered to move and Patrick's dad was going out anyway so we just stayed in the lounge. His dad poked his head around the door at about nine. 
"Boys I'm off now, I'll be back at about twelve." I looked over to Patrick. He was half asleep. I looked back to his dad. 
"Okay. He's almost asleep."
"Oi, Patrick! If you're tired go to bed." He jolts awake when his dad shouts. 
"I'm awake, I'm awake"
"Alright, what time will I be home?"
"Eleven?" He looks at me and I smile back at him.  
"Twelve. You wanna get some sleep. Have you got enough medication?" 

"Patrick. Why didn't you say?!" He shouts.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" 
"You're clearly not" He sighs, "I'll talk to you in the morning about this, I don't have time" He leaves.

Patrick drifts in and out of sleep while we were watching the movie. He told me he lost his medication when really he had just run out. I wasn't mad at him like his dad was. I left mine half was across the country so I couldn't talk. At about half eleven, the movie finishes and Patrick was asleep  by then. He was snoring. I turned off the tv and go over to him.
"Come on Patrick, bed time." He groans, slowly waking up. 
"Can I not just stay here? I'm comfy" 
"Patrick, your dad will slaughter you, come on." He gives in and I help him up. I sat Patrick on the bed and handed him his pajamas. I grabbed my tank top and pulled off the shirt I was wearing. I was too tired to remember to face away from the mirror so Patrick could see everything. 
"Pete, how much do you weigh?" Patrick asks, still sounding sleepy. He hadn't moved. I pull down the rest of my shirt. 
"That doesn't matter. Come on, get changed." He starts pulling off his shirt and I head to the bathroom. When I return, Patrick was sitting on the bed with no shirt on, looking in the mirror crying. 
"Patrick, what's wrong?" I sit next to him, hugging him tightly. "There's no need to cry" I tell him. He says nothing, just looks at our reflections in the big mirror opposite us. 
"I shouldn't have eaten that tonight... I've lost control Pete... Help" He leans his head on my shoulder and keeps crying. He buries his face into my neck so that he didn't have to look in the mirror. We sat like that for a while. Eventually, Patrick sat up again and looked at me. His cheeks were red and I grab a tissue and dry his eyes. 
"I'm just a wimp" He says, sounding annoyed at himself.

"You're not a wimp " I tell him softly. I grab his shirt, take off his glasses and pull his shirt over his head. He looked at our reflections once again. Me in my black tank top and him in his white t-shirt. I got up and turned off the light before returning to Patrick's side. We both lay down and I wrapped my arms around his waist and we fell asleep.

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