19 - Breathing condition

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Shout-out to _fall_out_boy___ for voting on every part of this, I really appreciate it :) go follow them cos they're cool

jess xx

Patrick's POV

We got home and sat on my bed and I just cried and cried and cried, fully breaking down. Pete sat with me the whole time. I didn't know what I would do if he wasn't there. After about two hours of me crying and me ranting and Pete giving me water every so often so I didn't get dehydrated, the tears stopped coming. I was hungry as hell.
"Can I eat?" I asked Pete nervously.
"Of course. Not binge though. You've lost a lot of weight, let's keep it that way." I look down. "You want Maccy d's don't you?" he asked me. I nodded.
"Patrick... I'd love to get you cheese burgers but your dad would kill me"

"He doesn't need to know"
"He could tell."
"I don't gain weight that fast!" I look up at him, slightly annoyed. "Just one, please?"
"Will you sleep tonight and not spend hours on tumblr?" He asked. I nod. I really wanted that freaking cheese burger.
"Okay, I'll go. Wanna come? It's quite a walk" He says, getting up and checking the change in his jean pocket.
"Yeah, I need air after that" I get up too and put my glasses back on. My hair was flat from wearing my hat so I mess it up a little to look more casual.

I'd learnt to keep an inhaler in my pocket now. What happened earlier, if Pete wasn't there it would have been much worse. We walked slowly to Mcdonalds, I had to take breaks. It wasn't just because of my weight now, my asthma had gotten worse on a whole I think. I had a doctors appointment tomorrow and that was not going to be fun. They were weighing me and giving me my results to see if I had pre-diabetes still and an asthma check up. I needed more inhalers. I was really not looking forward to it. Pete wasn't allowed to go in but he was going to wait for me outside. We got to Mcdonalds and I found a seat and slumped down. Pete knew what I wanted. I got the same. But he was only letting me have one cheese burger instead of two. I was out of breath sadly. I saw a young girl looking at me while her mum and her were in the queue. I looked at her and smiled. She came over.
"Are you okay? You look tired" She asked me in her high voice. She must have been about six or around that.
"Yeah, I'm just out of breath a bit."
"Why?" She asks me.
"I have a breathing condition" I told her since she probably didn't understand asthma.
"That doesn't sound fun. You can't do sport or run around" She sits opposite me. I smile.
"It's not fun, no. Can I give you some advice, um..."

"My name is Flossie"
"Flossie, don't eat a load of junk... you'll end up like me..." I looked at my hands on the table.
"I'll get a breathing problem?" I smiled a little at her innocence.
"Yeah... and you'll get fat like me..." She got up from her seat and came and sat next to me, hugging me the best she could.
"You're just cuddly" She was so sweet. Her mum called for her.
"Will I see you again? You're really nice." Flossie said.
"I don't know, maybe. I'm Patrick." I told her, smiling.
"Bye Patrick!" She waved and I waved back.

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