32 - In the studio

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Patrick's POV

It was almost my seventeenth birthday and we were going to record our first EP today. I'd always wanted to go to a recording studio and as part of my present, they had rented a studio just outside of town for a week so we could record songs properly. We had written a few other songs fully like with all the parts for them. One of them was Dance Dance and the other we didn't have a name for yet. Pete woke me up at about half eleven. 
"Morning sleepy head" I grumble. I hated being woken up but seeing Pete's face in the process was a blessing. 
"Come on, we're all up. Want coffee?" I nod sleepily. I wondered if he had slept last night at all. He seemed his usual self but that can be quite deceiving. He leaves the room. I could hear Andy and Joe laughing, probably over one of their awful sitcoms that they watched. I lay in bed and look at the ceiling. I didn't have the motivation today. It was two days until my birthday. In a year I had lost and gained so much weight, joined a band and moved in with my best friends. I hadn't been this happy in a long while. But still, I was not that happy. 

Pete knocks on the door to signal that my coffee was ready. I didn't want to get out of the comfort of my bed into the harsh coldness of the flat at nearly midday. The heating always turned off at about ten and didn't turn on again until about seven in the evening. And our flat being old, it had no insulation so if the heating wasn't on it was freezing. I hated the place but I was with my best friends so it was okay. Pete comes into the room and him opening the door brings me back to my scenes. 
"Patty, you okay?" He asks. I sit up and swing my legs over the edge of the bed, sighing.
"Is it one of those days?" He comes and sits next to me and puts his arm around me. He knew the signs of my bad days. Nobody could really do anything to help me. 
"Do you feel like recording today" He asks.
"Yeah, it might improve my mood"
"We don't have to if you don't feel up to it. We have a week. " I didn't want to let them down. We've worked so hard on our music and I wasn't going to let chemicals get in way. 
"No, I'll be okay" I knew it wouldn't be true but it was better than letting them down. 

I get dressed after breakfast and we arrive at the studio at about two in the afternoon. There was a guy in there and he let us in. We introduced ourselves and he introduces himself as Malcolm. He seems pretty nice but I was just really insecure about my weight and the fact I had awful fashion sense and I was wearing a cardigan and fedora and my geeky looking glasses. Pete must had seen this and stood closer to me and held my hand out of view of Malcolm. He let us into the recording room and Andy ooh'd and ahh'd at the full drum kit as he only one cymbal and not a very good kit. He sat on the stool and span around, hitting the drums in a rhythmic pattern. I smiled. This reminded me of all the stupid band rehearsals we had. 

Malcolm leaves us to set up out instruments. He had an electric guitar I could use as mine was in repair after I fell backwards into a wall, smacking my headstock into the wall and messing up the pegs. And the wall. It wouldn't tune properly so we had had to do acoustic stuff for about a week. It was a Fender. This guy had amazing kit. Pete's bass sounded amazing, Joe's guitar too and Andy's drums. I strummed the guitar and it sounded amazing. 

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