31 - Light switch

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Patrick's POV

Five months on, we had our own place on the outskirts of the town. Pete, Andy, Joe and I had become the best of friends and just enjoyed the company of each other. I had learnt to mostly manage my diet and because there was no school anymore I didn't comfort eat because of stress, so that helped too. There was five rooms in the apartment. Three bedrooms, a kitchen/dining/living room area and a bathroom. Me and Pete shared a room and Andy and Joe shared a room and the other bedroom was used as our studio. We all had jobs on the side as we were making no money at all. We had forty followers on Twitter. Me and Pete shared the writing as he showed me some of his lyrics and they were beautiful. We had recorded Sugar We're Going Down and it wasn't that great. 

I was woken at half three in the morning. My chest was tight. I look over to Pete and thankfully he was still awake and on his phone. 
"Pete, Could you get my inhaler from the kitchen please?" He looks over to me and jumps up, helping me into  a upright position before getting my inhaler.

Pete's POV

Patrick had lost quite a bit of weight but his asthma was still irritating him. He was probably about fifteen stone now, so he was still a little over weight but nowhere near as much as he was. He'd been given the all clear by his doctor for diabetes. He was still taking insomnia and depression tablets which he took like clockwork every morning and every night. The apartment was silent as everyone was asleep apart from me and Patrick. The kitchen floor was cold but the heating ticked slowly. I look at the clock next to the window. It was half three. I lazily grab Patty's inhaler and take it back to the bedroom. On the way past Joe and Andy's room, the door opens the Joe exits their room. The hall was dark and he walks into me. 
"Ow!" I say loud-ish. It makes Joe jump and he stumbles back.
"Sorry" He mumbles.
"What are you doing?" I ask him, rubbing my shoulder.
"Toilet" He mumbles again. I hear Patty wheezing in the bedroom. 
"I gotta go" I tell him, running down the remained of the hall. I turn on the main light and go to his bed, sit down and give him the inhaler. His pushes himself into a sat up position and used his inhaler. I hated seeing him like this. Like so much. He looked so helpless. He was sick of having asthma attacks, he didn't say it but I knew it. I mean, who wouldn't be if you had one at least once a week? He recovers and we sit in silence for a few minutes, Patty breathing loudly.
"Thanks" He says. I nod. I get up and go to turn the light off, Patty turns on the bedside lap in between our beds. I go and sit on the edge of my bed, looking at Patrick. His hair was tousled from him being asleep. I hear the toilet flush and Joe stumbling along the hall back to his room.
"Turn on the goddamn light!" I call to him and Patty smiles. 
"I don't know where the switch is!" He calls back. I face-palm myself and Patrick laughs more. God, he was so dumb I swear. 
"We've lived here for five months and he still doesn't know where the bloody light switch is!" I whisper. Patty laughs again before lying back down and facing me. I smile at him and he smiles back. 
"Night again Pete" He says sleepily, closing his eyes. 
"Night Patty"

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