23 - Pete Wentz

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Patrick's POV

The last thing I remembered before I woke up was getting into hospital. And now I was in a bed, in a room alone, attached to machines and drips and had a mask over my face. There was nobody in the room. I pressed the button beside my bedside and two nurses came into the room.
"Hello Patrick" One said. "Do you know why you're here?" She asks me.
"I had an asthma attack?"
"Yes but you also had a cardiac arrest when you arrive here. Thankfully we could save you in time. We think it might be triggered by a self administered drug. Have you been taking anything that has not been given to you for medical reasons?". The diet pills. Oh. I'm so dumb.
"Um... yeah, I ordered some diet pills off the internet and I was taking them or a while" One of the nurses wrote that down on a clip board.

Pete's POV

I rushed into the hospital and Patrick's dad was there. He never seemed to leave. I show him the box of pills. He clasps his hand to his mouth.
"Why Patrick, why were you so stupid?" He says. He wipes his eyes with his fingers. "He's awake" I looked at him.
"When can I see him?" Was the first thing to escape my mouth. It had been a week and I hadn't spoken to him. And it was killing me. He was the most adorable thing I had ever seen in my life.
"I'm not sure. Two nurses went in not that long ago."

I waited until half past ten at night. Just sitting alone. His dad had gone home and they were giving Patrick his medication. I must have drifted off to sleep when a nurse tapped me on the knee.
"Are you Pete Wentz?" She asked me. I nod sleepily. She told me Patrick wanted to see me.

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