39 - Biggest show

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Patrick's POV

The doctor put me on a diet. Pete was told to make sure I didn't snack as much. We had our show today so I was going to be occupied. It was in the town hall and we had sold out. We had gained a small fan base. I was being tweeted all day with people saying they were coming to the show tonight and were looking forward to meeting us. Some asked if they could have pictures and I went offline. I was feeling really really insecure but it depended on how I felt later. Andy was now old enough to drive and he had hired a van. Dad was still coming to the show but he wouldn't have to take us this time. Joe, Pete and I practiced for a while while Andy took apart his kit. The show started at seven and went on until ten. We were all buzzing with excitement. It was the biggest show we had ever played. It was tiny but it was still the biggest. Our set-list went like this. 

Sugar We're Going Down
Dance Dance
Thnks Fr Th Mmrs

Young Volcanoes

Hum Hallelujah

Miss Missing You
A Little Less Sixteen Candles

This Ain't A Scene

I had scrawled them out on a bit of paper, one for each of us to have. I hoped I wouldn't panic as it was going the be the first time we had performed A Little Less Sixteen Candles on stage since I panicked at our first gig. 
"Right, everything into the van!" Andy calls and we pack up our stuff. 

When we get to the venue, there was about four people waiting outside and they cheer when they see us pulling up, waving at us. They were quite calm. I recognized them off Twitter. I got out of the van first.
"Hey ladies" I say, smiling at them.
"Hey Patrick!" they say back.
"Are you excited for the show? It's a fine day to be waiting outside" Pete says, getting out of the van. One of the girls starts freaking out a bit. He was basically the sex icon of the band.
"Yeah" One of them says. Pete goes over to the girl that's freaking out.
"Hey lovely" He hugs them, I stand back, smiling. "What's your name?" He asks her.
"Annie" She tells him. They get a picture and then Andy and Joe come out of the van and we get a group photo with all four of the girls.
"See you later!" I call to them, taking the gear inside. 

We get set up and start sound checking and that's when I started panicking. I had to impress the people that had paid to see us. I couldn't mess up. One of the sound guys came over to me when I was making a pot noodle backstage.
"Hey Patrick. Do you want a cigarette, it might calm you down a bit" I had never smoked in my whole life. I had never really seen the plus side of it. It was a horrible habit and it smelt funny and since I had asthma, it wasn't a very good idea. I thought about it.
"Why not?"

I was on my third when Pete came out the back. The sound guy had gone back inside after his second. Pete grabs the cigarette out of my mouth, throws it behind him and grabs me by my collar.
"Do you have a death wish? You're a freaking idiot! You have asthma!" 
"I'm sorry... I was stressed and one of the sound guys offered" Pete sighs, dropping my shirt. 
"That's a crappy excuse" He heads for the door. "Come on, we have five minutes" 

I could hear the crowd and I start panicking. Pete hadn't talked to me. I took puffs of my inhaler. Andy tapped his knees with his drumsticks, Joe was rubbing his hands together and Pete was pacing the floor. I stood at the side, looking at the audience. I felt myself starting to panic and I took a long gulp of water. The music starts getting louder and we all group hug.
"Good luck guys, we'll be great" Andy says before he goes out on stage. Everyone cheers. Pete, Joe and I grab our instruments and Pete heads out first,starting the bass for Sugar. Then Joe and then me. I sung my heart out. People sung along and I saw my dad near the bar and smiled at him. 

After Young Volcanoes, Pete stepped up to his microphone. 
"Isn't Patrick amazing?" Everyone cheers and I look to the floor and smile. "He hasn't got the best confidence," Thanks Pete "But he's doing really well tonight, isn't he?!" Everyone cheers. I step up to my mic.
"Thanks Pete" I smile at him and he smiles back. Everyone screams as we go into Hum Hallelujah. 

We finish our set without me freaking out. I think I did okay. The other boys were amazing. 
"Thank you so much guys!" I say into the microphone. "We'll do meet and greets out the front. We've been Fall Out Boy, thank you and good night!" 

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