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Patrick's POV

Patrick: Hey Pete

Pete: Patrick!!

Patrick: Woah, calm down buddy!

Pete: How's your day been?

Patrick: Meh, not great 

Pete: Why not? :(

Patrick: Me and Andy went down to the river and I got really out of breath and Andy told me I should lose weight...

Pete: Buddy :( I wanna hug you

Patrick: Same. It will happen in the summer


Patrick: Woah!! Pete! Calm!


Patrick: Pete


Patrick: Yes, I know


Patrick: So am I

"Patrick! I'm home!" I hear the voice of my dad call.
"Hey dad!" I shout back to him. I look back to my phone and there's about ten random excited messages from Pete. I choose to lock my phone and go and see my dad. He was in the hallway, taking his coat off. I noticed he had a takeaway bag. I looked from him to the bag hopefully.

"Go ahead" He gestures. I take the bag to the dining room table. He had got McDonalds. As normal, two cheese burgers, large fries and chocolate milkshake for me. I open the bag and there's only two cheese burgers instead of three, as my dad normally has one too, one portion of large fries and two milkshakes.

"Dad, where's your burger?" I call to him. He enters the kitchen.

"One's your's and one's mine and we share the fries." I look at him as he starts to plate up our food. He looks at me.

"What." I say.

"Patrick, we're running out of money with the amount you eat. We do have bills to pay and with doing two full shops a week and getting takeaway every week, you're getting bigger and my wallet's getting smaller." He tells me, looking me in the eye. I look away from him.

"If you stopped eating so much during the night, we could get more takeaway but I'm buying enough food to last a family of four for two weeks, and that lasts us a week. You need to eat smaller portions mate, it's effecting you." I leave the kitchen silently.

"Do you want this?". I don't reply. "Patrick, look I'm sorry" He calls. I go into my room and lock my door. 

Internet Scales (Patrick/Pete)Where stories live. Discover now