26 - Doctors

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Pete's POV

Patrick became quite lethargic. He went between his bed, the toilet and the lounge if he had to. His dad had cut all the sugar he could out of his diet and Patrick was not happy about that at all. He lost all the little energy he had to do anything and just kinda sat there. He didn't really speak that much, only if he had to. His dad had booked him a doctors appointment because this had been going on for nearly a week and a half. He was eating a little less and sleeping a lot so it seemed a bit out of place for him to be like that. 

I now had a bed in Patrick's room which was cool, no more sleeping on the floor or getting into Patrick's bed. I woke up at about half past eight. His dad had booked a taxi to take us to the doctors at half past ten. Waking Patrick up was a lot easier said that done. 
"Patrick, come on wake up" He groans. "Patrick, come on. We have to go to the doctors today" I tell him.
"Do we though?" He mumbles, still with his eyes closed.
"Yes to see why you're like this" 
"I'm fine" He tells me, pulling the duvet over his face.
"What?" he moans from under the duvet.
"We need to go to the doctors. You're not being like you"
"I said I'm fine"
"Patrick, you're not. Come on" he's quiet for a moment.

"Fine, give me a second" I go into the kitchen and put the kettle on to make us coffee. I don't hear any movement when I've finished. I got back into the bedroom and he hasn't moved.

"Patrick" He sits up, rubbing his eyes. "Thank you. Come on, coffee's ready." I go and pull him onto his feet. "Where are your glasses?" I ask him. He shrugs his shoulders. "Where did you put them?" He shrugs again. He follows me into the kitchen and sits at the table. 

After we finish breakfast, or Patrick has four spoonfuls of cornflakes, we go back into the bedroom to get dressed. He lies down again with his legs over the end of the bed. I get my clothes that had been washed since I knew I would be staying for a while, and take them into the bathroom to get changed. I look at my face in the mirror, my jaw line was getting more and more obvious. My collar bones were really obvious so I grab one of Patrick's hoodies that he'd left on the back of the door and put it on. We were going to the doctors for him, not me. It was massive for me but the sleeves were the right length so people would just think I bought a big hoodie. Going back into the bedroom, I see Patrick is still lying in the same position. I pull him up and get his clothes. I get him a cardigan since it look a bit cold outside. The taxi comes for us.

I figured I'd have to go into the doctors with him as he would not tell them what he'd been like. We sat in the waiting room. There was nobody talking apart from a few women who quietly chatted. 
"Patrick Stump to room seventeen please, Patrick Stump to room seventeen" The voice of a woman came over the speaker. We got up and I took him to the room. A very friendly woman doctor was at the desk and she invited us to sit down.
"Which one of you is Patrick?" She ask and Patrick slowly raises his arm. She smiles at him. "So Patrick, what's been the matter?" She asks but he just looks at the floor. 
"He's been really lethargic lately and me and his dad can't think of an obvious reason as to why." She types what I say on to her computer then looks back to us.  
"Has his eating or sleeping patterns changed at all?" She asks me.
"He has been eating a little less frequently and sleeping a lot more." I tell her and she writes it down again. "He's been talking less if that has anything to do with it" Patrick looked extremely uncomfortable and is playing with cuff of his cardigan and chewing it. His fedora was slipping and I push it back up for him. 
"Patrick," He looks at her and stops chewing his cuff. "How have you been feeling lately?" 
"Sad" He says simply. "Alone." I hold his hand and he looks away as his eyes get teary. He leaned forward and put his head onto his knees, his fedora falling on the floor and started breaking down. The doctor hand me some tissues and I talk to him until his sits up. I wipe his eyes and pick his hat up, placing it back on his head. 
"I think he is depressed." She tells me. "Do he breakdown a lot?" Patrick was dying his eyes and wiping his nose with the tissue I gave him. 
"Quite a bit..." I tell her. 
"I'm going to prescribe him some anti-depressants and you'll have to collect them at the desk on your way out" She prints out the prescription. "I suggest his sees the therapist" She tells me and I nod. He would not like that. I had one of them a while ago but it didn't help me. I just had to hope it was better for him. 

We decide to walk home, I had his inhaler if he needed it. I held his hand and we walked home slowly. We stopped at benches to let him catch his breath but we made it home without him having to use his inhaler which was really good for him. As soon as we got back, he just lay on his bed and fell asleep. I took off his hat and glasses and left the room, closing the door and going into the lounge to watch tv. 

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