17 - American Idiot

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Patrick's POV

Over the next few days, we both just stayed at home. There was no walks, no going out, just me and Pete laying in the reclining chairs the living room. We had plenty of food, I didn't eat much though. I hadn't taken the diet pills but since I was sitting not doing anything, I was loosing weight. Pete was eating so much like, all day he seemed to be eating. My dad was out of town for a few days for work. He didn't want to go because of what happened the other day with my asthma but I told him I'd ring him if anything happened and I had Pete anyway. We had loads of movies to go through. We'd been through so many. We had naps every so often.

Pete got up and put the next movie in the player.
"What's this one?" I ask him.
"Mama Mia I think"
"I've seen this loads of times"
"You should sing along." He says, setting it to the sing-along version.

"What the hell, no. I can't sing"
"Shut the fricky-fracky up Mr Stump. Yes you can"
"How the hell have you heard me sing"
"I don't know but I imagine you are good at it." I laugh at him. He lies with his feet and legs on the back of the sofa and his head off the edge of the seat and looks at me. His fringe had fallen in front of his face. He blows it to try and get it out of the way. I just laugh at him.
"That's not how you sit on a chair Pete"
"No, it's my way." He grins.
"You're such an idiot"

"I guess you could say, an American idiot"

"What are you?!" I say during laughter.

"You're best friend."
"You got that right" I tell him, calming down a bit. We just look at each other. He slips and falls off the sofa, pulling the back cushion down with him. I start laughing again.
"What the hell Pete". He gets back up and returns to his reclining chair next to mine.
"I love your laugh" He tells me.
"No, seriously Patrick. Why do you not think any good of yourself?"

"Cause I'm a walking mess" I tell him. I look away from him, going quiet.
"Pete, don't try to battle that. Look at me. Just look at me." I spin my head to look at him. He looked me up and down.
"Yeah? Problem?" I sigh. "You may be a few stone overweight but that doesn't make you less pretty or handsome."

"It does for me..." I say quietly, "I have no problem with other people's weight, just mine y'know?"
"Patrick..." He grabs my cheeks and makes me look at him. He squeezes them and pulls them back and forth a bit."If you weren't chubby I couldn't do this to you" he giggles. "No but seriously, you are adorable. You really are." I raise my eyebrows as I was unable to speak. "No, Patrick. You won't win this. I won't let you win this." He lets go of my cheeks.
"You're such an idiot" I smile at him.
"An American idi-"


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