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Ray crawled onto the couch, tiredly sighting. Sunny, who was hiding under the cushions, jumped out of them with a surprised yelp when he did so. Bouncing back on the futon, he glared an instant at the inkling and Ray lazily petted him as an apology. Sunny accepted the gesture and rested on his lap, willing to take another nap after being brutally woken up.

Ray let him and he rested his head on the back of the sofa, staring at the ceiling. He could allow himself to relax for a bit, five minutes, no more. After all, he already spent a few hours on important stuff, like updating his player licence and getting his weapons checked by Sheldon.

Unfortunately though, these things literally took forever and they were only two tasks among many on the very long list he still had to take care of. Therefore, he knew he should be doing something more productive instead of staying flopped over the couch like a dead sea slug, but he really didn't have the energy right now.

The efforts he made this morning already exhausted him and the fact it has been several nights he didn't sleep much wasn't helping either... And as if it wasn't enough, a discomforting sensation that quickly became a little painful surrounded his mind all of a sudden.

Ray ignored it at first, after all it will probably go away soon. But of course it wasn't that easy. He straightened, massaging his temples while slightly mumbling. Great, it looked like he was feeling a headache coming, and that was definitely the last thing he needed today.

The loud noise of the door brutally slamming out of nowhere made Ray startle. Sunny squeaked out of surprise too and dashed to hide under the coffee table in fear. It really seemed like this poor little guy won't have the opportunity to sleep anytime soon...

Ray came back to his senses and peeked at his phone to know what time it was. Yeah, there was no doubt about it. Daisuke was home from his Anarchy matches of the day and Ray had a huge feeling it didn't bode well.

Carefully, Ray glanced at the entrance from over the couch and could vaguely see Daisuke throwing his weapon in the closet while cursing slurs of all kinds. His other splatanas fell on the ground because of how hard he swung that thing on the others and that only made him more mad than he already was.

"Stupid piece of shit, c'mon !" He grumbled furiously, this close to lose it.

Daisuke paused, pitching the bridge of his nose, exasperatedly sighting. There was no use to stay angry at the annoying opponents and teammates he unfortunately encountered in Ranked. What had been done was done and it was over anyway, now all he needed to do was to chill out.

He took a deep breath to try calming himself down the best he could. It apparently seemed to work since he put his stuff back on the closet more calmly than previously after several respirations. Daisuke then walked up to the living and all traces of anger completely vanished from the expression on his face when he saw Ray.

"You okay Dai ?" Ray looked at him.

"Not really, but that doesn't matter much."

"Guess it didn't go as expected." He stated as Daisuke sat next to him.

"Tell me about it ! Those fucking players..."

"Wanna talk about it ?"

"Nah, it ain't worth it." He assured him, not wanting to elaborate further. "They don't deserve it yet my 'tanas still paid the prize, you can attest."

Ray let out a small huffed laugh at that and Daisuke gazed at him. Finding him cute, he managed to break into a smile, but something made it disappear as soon as it appeared. Straightening, Daisuke put a hand on his face to examine him closer and Ray's ears wiggled confusedly for a second, not really understanding what got into him.

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