Prologue | On a...

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As he slumped down on the curb outside of his apartment building, Jongin let out a frustrated sigh and ran his hands down his face before looking up toward the sky. It was a dark purple color and the scattered stars were the only things that lit it up. He kept staring at it with pursed lips and slightly knitted eyebrows as if some part of him was waiting for someone or something to appear.

"Why?" he blurted out suddenly without even looking to see if anyone was around. "Why me? Why does life hate me so much? What have I done that was terrible that I deserve all the shit that happens to me? Why can't I just be happy like everyone else?" 

He stopped, realizing that no amount of screaming or words could change his luck. He was doomed for having a terrible life for eternity. He sighed again, this time letting a groan escape with it, and lowered his head. As he brought his head back up, he just happened to glance to his left when he saw that a small dog had appeared out nowhere.

"What the...?" he mumbled, looking around to see if there was anyone around that could be the owner. But he saw no one and then put his eyes back on it. It was just sitting right next to him and its dark eyes were staring up at him, blinking every few seconds. "I don't suppose you're lonely, too?" he said, now starting to talk to it as if it could actually understand me. 

Oddly enough, the thing barked at him in a high pitched tone, making him jump a little. 

"I'll take that as a yes then," he said slowly, his eyes widened, before bringing his knees up closer to his chest and resting his chin on his knee caps.

"Life sucks, doesn't it?" he said, still talking to the fluffy black and white dog next to him. "It's like it preys on the people who just want the simplest things and insists on making our lives a living hell." 

It let out another bark, this one being softer in volume, and he shifted his eyes to it. 

"Where's your owner, huh?" he asked in a gentler tone of voice, sitting back up and glancing around again before looking back at it. "You don't have a collar on," he said right as he made the observation, touching its soft neck with his hand. It leaned into his touch and he couldn't help but smile faintly.

"It's pretty cold out here, right?" he said after taking his hand away. "What you say we go inside and curl up by the fire with a warm blanket?"

"Aarf!" Out came an enthusiastic bark, adding in a few wags of its tail this time. Jongin smiled again and let out an airy chuckle before getting to my feet, only to bend back over a second later to pick it up.

"There you go," he said, tucking it inside my jacket partially. He wrapped his red scarf around it for extra warmth and briefly pet its head before stepping up on the sidewalk and walking toward the entrance of the building.


So, I've had this idea for a while now and I just couldn't wait to upload this anymore! Seeing as how I have already started "Listen To Your Heart" and am still trudging through "Moonlight," I'm hoping you beautiful people won't have to wait too awful long for this because I don't know how much longer I will be able to last personally! Once I finish either of the previous titles, I will post the first chapter of "In My Next Life," which I have some pretty awesome plans for as well, and then once the second one is done I will start this!

I hope you guys are as excited for this as I am! Please leave a like and comment your thoughts below! Thanks for all the support on my stories! I don't know what I'd do without you guys! <3

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