Chapter 27 | Silly Boy

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9:50 a.m.

It seemed to Jongin that time was racing against them. 

Every traffic light decided to change to red as soon as the car approached it, and if that wasn't enough, all the slow drivers happened to be out on that morning. Jongin's eyes would glance over at the clock on the radio every five seconds, his heart racing nervously as it got dangerously close to ten o'clock.

9:53 a.m.

They finally entered the pound's parking lot and Chanyeol wasted no time in finding a spot, pulling into the first free one his eyes noticed. Jongin was already out of the car and running toward the entrance before the car was even turned off, but once it was, Chanyeol and Taemin followed after him and his footsteps.

9:55 a.m.

The pound had a total of three levels, and luckily the first one they walked through was where they found Minho. 

"Minho!" Jongin called out in his loudest voice, the volume making the elder turn around almost instantly.

"Jongin?" Minho said in reply, eyebrows furrowing as he set his pen down and spun around to face him, seeing Taemin and Chanyeol weren't far behind him. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We need your help...desperately," Jongin said in an utterly out-of-breath voice, hands slamming on the small and tall desk that Minho was working at.

"Okay..." he said, feeling absolutely lost at the moment but nodding in agreement nonetheless. When it came to helping his friends, he didn't question anything. "What do you need help with so desperately?"

"Did you get any new dogs in between yesterday and today, specifical ones with black and white fur?" the panicking Jongin inquired.

"Maybe, I don't know," Minho said, shrugging uncertainly. "We don't usually keep a record of what breed they are unless they are put up for adoption. But why do you need to know this?"

"Because..." Taemin started quickly but stopped once Jongin looked at him. "We have to tell him, Jongin," Taemin said to him. "We have to." Jongin cautiously stared at the elder, sighing and nodding faintly in defeat once he realized the validity of Taemin's statement. "We need to know because we think Kyungsoo is here," he admitted, earning an even more baffled and bewildered look from the guard.

"What?" he said. "Why would Kyungsoo be here? Last time I checked he was a person, not a dog."

"Well...that's where things get kind of interesting," Taemin said, ready to explain until Chanyeol interjected.

"Guys, I'm afraid we don't have time to play catch up right now," he said, referring to the time on his phone.

9:57 a.m.

"Shit," Jongin cursed loudly. "Minho, please, I promise we'll explain everything later, but right now you have to help us. Kyungsoo's life could be in danger." The words took Minho by surprise, shock even, but they were just enough to persuade him to be an aid to the trio of men, despite his ignorance of the situation.

"Okay, well, the latest dog we got in matching that description was earlier this morning when I first got in," he said, walking over to the desk and picking up the book. "My boss brought him, but he told me to put him on the list of dogs that are supposed to be put down today."

"What?" Jongin said in shock and in fear. No, he thought, that couldn't be Kyungsoo, it couldn't be. "Well, where is this dog? Did he take him already?"

"No, he's still here," Minho said, shaking his head for a moment or two. "Here, he's just down here." Minho then led them over to the middle section of connected cages, pointing to the one he was talking about earlier. "Is this the one you're looking for?" he asked, looking back at Jongin's face. 

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