Chapter 21 | Nightmares

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Kyungsoo was terrified. The bad man was chasing him and he didn't know if it was real or if it was fake. 

His eyes were squeezed shut and he was squirming a little as he let out small whines. Jongin was just switching from his old sleeping position when he first started hearing him. Cracking his eyes open as much as he could, Jongin flipped all the way around to his opposite side to see what was happening.

 For a moment, Kyungsoo was perfectly still. But after a few seconds, he fidgeted and his face scrunched up and he whined yet again. Jongin's thin, brown eyebrows furrowed at the sight, wondering what his boyfriend was dreaming about that was so so scary.

"No!" Kyungsoo suddenly shouted, his chest beginning to fall and rise rapidly. "No, no, please! Jongin!" Starting to panic for his boyfriend, Jongin made himself become more alert, sat up, and moved closer to Kyungsoo and attempted to wake him.

"Soo," he said as he held onto his wrists. "Soo, wake up."

"No, Jongin, please!" Kyungsoo's tiny body thrashed about in the bed as Jongin tried to keep him stationary, his cries becoming louder and more heart-wrenching by the second. "Help me, please! Do not let him take me!"

"Kyungsoo," Jongin said in a sterner, more assertive voice, shaking him lightly now. Finally, the boy's still tearing eyes flew open and turned to look at Jongin, whose own chest was heaving slightly as well.

"Jongin!" Kyungsoo said in relief, sitting up and throwing his arms around the elder's neck. "J-Jongin...I was so s-scared..."

"Why, baby, what happened?" Jongin said softly, rubbing his back and beginning to rock him steadily.

"The bad man..." Kyungsoo sobbed, taking his face out of the crook of his neck and laying his cheek against his shoulder instead, "he was c-chasing me and t-trying to take me away and I could not f-find you because it was so d-dark...I t-thought it was r-real..."

"It's okay, baby," Jongin said, taking him even deeper into his embrace just in time for his tears to start dripping from his eyes. Curling a handful of Jongin's shirt into his fist, Kyungsoo sobbed and wept out of fear. "Calm down, you're okay," Jongin said, consoling his lover to the best of his ability. "It was just a bad dream, Soo. It wasn't real."

"B-But..." Kyungsoo whimpered as he looked up at Jongin as held him close, "it felt very r-real."

"I know, but it wasn't," Jongin said, taking the smaller's face in between his hands and shaking his head slightly. "You know how I know it wasn't real?"

"How?" sniffled Kyungsoo.

"Because I would never let anyone hurt you," Jongin said earnestly. " would have never let any bad man take you, Kyungsoo, ever. You are too precious to me." Kyungsoo stifled out another sniffle and blinked his eyes at him. 

Kyungsoo was sure that if there was any moment he would say it, it would be now. But he only encased him back in his arms afterward and kissed his forehead tenderly. 

It wasn't exactly what he was hoping for, but give the circumstances, Kyungsoo thought, all he needed right now was the familiar and compassionate warmth of Jongin to bring him comfort.


The next morning came and an exhausted Jongin stumbled out of bed in dire need of coffee. All night he helped Kyungsoo fight off whatever demons were giving him these nightmares, but no matter what he did, every couple of hours he would be woken by his whimpers and whines. 

He wasn't annoyed necessarily, but rather he was feeling guilty. He felt bad that there was nothing he could do to help Kyungsoo except tell him that he was dreaming and hold him in his arms. It wasn't like he could jump into his head and get rid of all of the bad thoughts and memories that were causing his bad dreams.

Another loud and exaggerated yawn escaped Jongin lips as he waited by the coffee pot and waited for his favorite morning drink to brew. There was a knock from the outside of the apartment and because he had no energy to walk over there, he shouted, "Who's there?"

"It's your best friend and his stupid-ass boyfriend," Taemin replied, making Jongin roll his eyes. What could they possibly need? he asked himself.

"It's open," he said in a slightly lower and less audible voice, but Taemin could make out what he said and walked in, Minho trailing right behind him. "Hey," he said, greeting his two guests briefly as he tried to keep his eyelids rolled up. "Hey, Minho."

"Hey, Jongin," Minho said slowly in response. "You look like shit. Didn't get much sleep last night?"

"No," Taemin said, walking over to the kitchen where the other two men were. "He was probably up fucking his boyfriend all night and now he's all tuckered out. See, this is what happens when you don't take control of your hormones, I told you."

"I wasn't doing that, asswipe," Jongin said, scowling a little at him. "I was up all night trying to comfort him. He kept having nightmares about some bad man chasing him or something."

"Aw, poor baby," Taemin cooed, a small pout forming on his lips as he glanced back at the closed bedroom door. "Is he okay now?"

"Yeah." Jongin yawned. "He's been out for a good two hours now, but he just couldn't settle down last night. It was awful, I felt so bad for him."

"I feel bad for him just listening to you," Taemin said, still pouting a little. Jongin just nodded and turned back around to check up on the production of his coffee. 

Once he saw the pot was nearly full, he offered a cup to Taemin and Minho, who accepted. Jongin was just finished giving Taemin his and starting to get himself some when the bedroom door creaked open, Kyungsoo walking out sluggishly a few seconds later. "Aw, there he is," Taemin said, automatically setting his mug down and scurrying over to him. "Jongin told me about your nightmares. Are you okay?"

"I am okay," Kyungsoo said as he smiled faintly at the elder, letting Taemin hug him briefly. "I just feel bad for Jongin. I am afraid I kept him up all night."

"It's okay, baby," he replied, giving him a smile from the kitchen. "I'm just happy you're feeling better." Kyungsoo smiled back at him. "Oh, that's right," he said after their moment ended, looking over at Minho as he came out of the bathroom. "Minho, this is Kyungsoo, my boyfriend, and Soo, this is Minho, Taemin's boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend," Taemin said, earning a look from both Jongin and Minho. "It's complicated this week."

Minho rolled his eyes. "With this one," he said in a low voice, "it's always complicated." Jongin laughed in agreement. "It's nice to meet you, Kyungsoo," he said after a few moments of silence passed. "I'm Minho." 

But before Kyungsoo could properly greet him back, his eyes became even wider than they already were and his heart started to race. He jumped behind Taemin and buried his face in the back of his shirt, emitting a baffled look from them all.

"What's wrong, Soo?" Taemin asked as he tried to look behind him. "Did his stupid face scare you?"

"N-No," Kyungsoo stuttered.

"Then why won't you say hi to Minho?" he asked. Kyungsoo took a chance and looked at him once more just for clarification and then instantly tore his eyes away when he saw the evidence written all over his face. 

It was him and there was no denying it.

"I cannot say hi because..." Kyungsoo whispered, not wanting Minho to hear, "...that is him. That is the bad man."


Minho the bad man?? Okay, so this idea just came to me like two days ago, but he won't be the actual bad guy like Kyungsoo thinks he is. He'll just be bad guy by association if you will lol. 

Thank you for reading this update and please feel free to comment your opinions and/or thoughts on it or the story as a whole! I love to hear what you guys think! :) Thanks again and I will see you tomorrow! <3

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