1. My Problem

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The doctors had never seen it before. There was something that looked like a tumor on my heart. It wasn't heart cancer, they knew that. It was an unknown disease, one that effected my entire body. If I got too worked up, extremely stressed or upset, I'd faint. If it got to the point where the emotions became too much, the tumor-like thing would explode, rupturing my heart. It was like a bomb. Anything could set it off and cause destruction.


The teacher's phone rang, and she stopped her lesson for a moment. After answering, Ms. Jung turned to me and spoke, "Jikyo, to the nurse's office."

I sighed, growing nervous to have so much attention on me. It was bad enough to have a disorder. I didn't need people staring at me, too. I was a normal person, except for my heart.

"W-what will the homework be, Ms. Jung?" I whispered, barely able to speak with the class staring at me.

She tilted her head, clearly unable to hear me. "What did you say?"

"Th-the homework..." I attempted to call out more loudly, which somehow succeeded.

"She doesn't assign homework on Friday, remember?" A boy, Kim Taehyung, reminded me. The kid next to him, Jin, snickered.

"She doesn't remember. She daydreams the entire class." Park Jimin taunted. He turned and raised an eyebrow at me, "Don't you have a heart to go tend to?"

Park Jimin was the leader of a three member gang of bullies, also including Jin and Taehyung. They were the three main peers who made my life worse.

Even though what Jimin stated was true, I did space out, and I did have to go work on my heart problem, I hated people saying it out loud. I was normal...

"Jimin, apologize to her." Ms. Jung demanded, pointing to me with an annoyed face. I even annoyed teachers with my condition.

"What? I'm correct!" Jimin cried, "She should apologize to me for being in my presence!"

Without saying another word, I rushed to the door. On the way, Taehyung stuck his leg out, causing me to stumble, but not fall. I didn't comment, but instead, I continued out the door.

Jimin, Jin, and Taehyung were the reasons I had no friends. Sure, I had one friend, Jungkook, but everyone else thought I was just some shy, diseased girl in 12th grade. Everyone thought that for two years now, and 12th grade would be the third year that those three bullies had everyone thinking I was an unnecessary soul. But maybe I actually was.

As I entered the nurse's office, my counselor greeted me. "Jikyo, how are you? How was your week?"

"It hasn't been the worst, but it wasn't very good either."

Nurse Minah was the only person I could talk comfortably with, excluding Jungkook. Jungkook knew my feelings first, unless I couldn't get to him first. I just hoped I could get over my heart condition, even if it wasn't permanently gone.

"What happened this week?" She questioned, "Was it those boys again? What were their names?"

"Jimin, Jin, and Taehyung." I informed her, "And yes, it's almost always them. They teased me about leaving so often, and spacing out and stuff."

When I finished talking to Minah, it was time to head to my next class, Chorus. This class, it was Jimin, Jin, Jungkook and I. Taehyung wasn't in this class for some reason.

I stood in my row in the girl section, with a girl named Jia and another named Min. I hardly talked to them, but then again, I hardly talked to anyone. They all thought I was pointless.

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