6. Around Christmas time

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I sat in the living room of my shared apartment, staring at the ceiling above me. I was still in denial. Denial. I wanted to forget that I had been living with the boys for 8 days, counting today.

That note... The killer is clearly playing a game. No sane man would decide to kill a married couple, then go after their daughter, and leave the daughter warning notes. Whoever it was had to know us somehow, or have a motive to kill innocent people.

I wished I could spent hours thinking about it. Obviously it wasn't an option on Christmas Eve, especially since I had shopping to do. But I wasn't allowed to go anywhere alone anymore, since I passed out on the sidewalk. I hadn't told them that I passed out from drugs, not my heart.

I wondered all morning who I was going to take shopping with me. It had to be someone I could lie to easily about what their gift was. That single fact rolled out Hobi, Jimin, Jungkook, and Jin. I thought through it again, and decided to go with Suga as my shopping buddy. That is, if he would even get off the couch to attend the trip.

Suga wasn't as lazy and reserved as I was writing him to be. No, he was a sweetheart with a sarcastic sense of humor. Part of me thought he kept to himself simply because he didn't share anything in common with any one of the boys, or even me. I learned that he did have a single thing in common with me; we both liked to make fun of people in a joking manner. As well, Suga was the type of person to act like he was cool, but then start fake crying to get someone to stay for dinner. He and I shared a sense of humor.

And there was my Min Yoongi profile.

I laughed at my own stupidity as I realized I had spent quite an amount of time thinking about Suga alone, and how he acted. I guess I was intrigued by his loneliness in this group.

"Kyo." I was dragged out of my mind by the voice of Suga. "Yah, I've been saying your name for five minutes."

I hadn't heard him say my name other than when he uttered the name 'Kyo.' Did he not know my name?

"You said 'Kyo'. My name is Jikyo." I tried to reason with him, only to receive a joking glare back, his eyes narrowed with a smile.

"You know what I meant. It's my nickname for you." He stated.

"Then I'm calling you Sugar."

"Whatever." He shrugged, "So why were you off in space? You were kind of staring at me."

Hearing that I had stared at Suga without realizing it made me flustered, embarrassed. That was the kind of thing Jimin, V, and Jin made fun of me for back in school, spacing out. Not paying attention.

"Just thinking. But actually," I had recalled what my thoughts were about. "I want to go Christmas shopping for the 6 boys, but I'm not allowed to go alone."

Phase 1: Make Suga believe I'm not buying him anything.

"6? Are you not buying for Jimin? Did you guys fight?" He asked, fitting himself into my sceme perfectly.

"No, I'm not buying for you." Once the dumbfounded look grew on his face, it was hard to hold in my laughter.

"Oh, okay then." He sadly looked to the floor, accepting his fate. "But your point?"

"I was gonna ask if you'd go with me." I wasn't sure if Suga would be up for leaving the house on Christmas Eve.

It only took one moment for him to reply. "Yea, sure. I need out of this house."

Phase 1: Complete.

Phase 2: Leave without being noticed.

"Alright, then we need to sneak out so they don't know I'm buying them anything." I let him in on this part of my plan.

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