16. Returning

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I lay there in my bed, waiting for the doctor to return. He had examined my leg, then left and said he'd be back. I had no idea what I was in store for.

The day I came in was January 25th. It was now the night of the 17th of February. That was 24 days, almost a month. When I came in, he said a few weeks. I thought I'd be in for around 13 days at the most, but no. It was almost twice that.

And on top of that, it was almost J-Hope's and my birthday. It was tomorrow, and I was afraid we wouldn't be able to celebrate it together just because I didn't take my pills the week after Suga and I wrecked.

Dr. Jung entered the room again. He signed a paper, then handed it to me.

"What's this?"

He started cleaning up things around me as he answered, "Give it to the woman at the front desk, and you can leave."

"I can leave?" I squeaked with excitement.

"Yep. Call your ride now so they'll be here by the time you're ready to go." He suggested, picking up the remainder of his tools. "Your leg is restored to its normal condition. No more pills. And you can walk and run normally. It might just be hard to walk for a few hours since you haven't been out of bed that often."

I thanked him and he left. I got my phone out and texted the first person I could think of.

Ji-to-the-Kyo: Oppa, could you give me a ride home? I wanna surprise the others.

Kuhnie-bear: Yea, sure. I'll be there in a minute. Same room right?

Ji-to-the-Kyo: yep. I have everything ready, I just need a ride.

Of course I wasn't ready, but I had time. I had my old clothing sitting in the corner of the room on a chair. I just had to change and make sure I had my phone, then I could go.

I got out of bed, and instantly, it felt nice to be on my leg again. It finally didn't hurt.

I took my clothes to my tiny bathroom and shut the door, then quickly switched into them. I placed the gown on the bed because had no idea what they did with those.

By the time I finished cleaning up my items, Kuhn entered the room. He looked at me and grinned, joking with me. "Nice to see you can walk without Jinhoo."

I laughed with him, then picked up my paper and phone and followed him to the doorway. Once I got to the hallway, I truly felt freedom. I could finally walk and move on my own free will. I had been staring at the white walls of the hospital room for so long.

We reached the elevator, then Kuhn asked me, "Do you wanna see Suga hyung before we leave?"

I shook my head in response, "I don't think I can handle that right now."

He nodded, and then hit the button to go to the bottom floor. We walked out into the waiting room, and I handed my paper to the woman. She glanced at it, most likely saw what it was, then looked to me and said, "That's all. You may go now."

I expected other paperwork, but shrugged and threw the paper out as we passed the garbage can on the way out. I saw the van sitting not far from us, so I ran to it in enthusiasm and eagerness to finally see my home again. I wanted so badly to just lay with Jimin and watch TV or something. That would finally be possible. We could finally be a normal couple after almost a month of being together.

The 24th, which was in one week, would be our one month anniversary, although I was unsure he'd remember. Every movie and show always portrayed the guy as someone who forgot special days. But then again, my life wasn't like any of those shows. In all of those shows, the girl wasn't being chased by some madman who killed her parents. None of those shows followed the story of a girl who was being attacked and basically lost one of her best friends.

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