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"I still can't believe Jikyo's leaving for college tomorrow..." Jungkook whispered over to me from across the room, as he laid on his bed.

There was a lot that I couldn't believe. Jin was imprisoned, there was a baby in the house suddenly... It all happened so fast. Jikyo was heading to college tomorrow, and I had to admit, I wasn't sure how I was feeling about it anymore.

"I can't believe it either." I responded to the younger boy, feeling my eyes falling shut.


"Ew! You're a disgusting excuse for a human!" V shouted, directing his words toward his hyung, Hoseok.

"I can't believe we breathe the same air, your annoying piece of shit!" Hoseok screamed back, his eye twitching as he yelled.

I couldn't stand to watch the two fighting. It was annoying, seeing how much they hated each other. If they disliked each other so much, they should've just moved away from each other.

I got up from my seat in the living room, and headed toward the other apartment. Jimin sat on the loveseat, next to my little sister, Raejin. She grinned widely and cuddled into Jimin's side. He wrapped an arm around her.

Namjoon was sitting next to Jin on the seat, and Jungkook was on the floor in front of the television. The three of them were watching the news.

I was afraid for Namjoon. He hadn't been acting normal lately. I had caught him crying in the bathroom multiple times, and occasionally, his hoodie sleeve would slide up his arm and reveal fresh cuts. I always noticed his eyes were baggier than they were a few years ago.

Jin was a concern too. He didn't speak much, if at all. He still occasionally laughed and smiled, but he scarcely said anything. I felt he and Namjoon suffered a similar issue.

Jungkook was a normal boy. He was lively and fun, like Jimin. But the others, they were all scaring me lately. Jungkook was the only one out of us that didn't concern me much.

I took a seat, sliding in next to Namjoon. Glancing down, I saw him pull at the sleeve on his wrist, as if he knew I was aware of what he did to himself.

Directing my attention to the news, I noticed an interesting topic. It was about a family of three, named the Sung's. They had apparently been heading out for dinner at a nice restaurant, but suddenly swerved and hit a tree. It saddened my already dampened mood.

"Hey, isn't that Jikyo from high school, that skank with the heart condition?" Jimin commented, mainly questioning Jungkook.

"Could you not refer to her as a skank? She was my best friend, you know." Jungkook corrected.

"But she is a skank." Jimin reminded him, a careless look on his face. He turned back to Raejin.

Jin suddenly jumped up from the couch, rushing at the wall. He grabbed the sharp corner of the wall and continuously bashed his head into it, a painful cry rushing from his lips each time his skin came in contact with the hard wall.

"Jin hyung! What are you doing?!" I panicked, afraid for his health.

He didn't answer me, but continued to thrust his skull into the corner repeatedly. I watched in horror as no one else looked over to him. The screaming from V and Hoseok suddenly echoed through my ears, seeing they were now in the apartment with all the other chaos.

I spun, and saw Jimin knelt in front of Raejin with a ring box in his hands. She looked overjoyed, squealing with excitement.

Namjoon now let his wrists out in the open, revealing his scars, some fresher than others. He pulled out a sharp razor from his jacket pocket, dragging it across his skin. He didn't watch where the razor went, but instead stared in front of him, directly at the wall, as he sliced his skin open.

I looked in front of me, and Jungkook was now gone. He was just completely gone, as if he was never there. Not a single trace of him was in the apartment. None of his soda cans lay on the coffee table, no notebooks or empty wrappers.

I watched as Jin suddenly fell to the floor, blood staining our hardwood floors. His screams ended, only to be replaced by my own. I just watched as my friends all faded around me. I shrieked, to the point where my lungs couldn't function anymore, and just fell to the floor in a heap of depression.


I shot up, panting and sweating. After wiping my hand over my face, I realized it wasn't sweat, but tears instead. I looked across the room, confirming Jungkook's existence.

I removed the blanket from on top of me, swinging my feet over the side of the bed. I opened the bedroom door, sighing with relief when I spotted Jikyo lying on the living room couch, surrounded by boxes of clothes she was taking with her tomorrow.

Closing the door again, I got back into bed. I stared up at my ceiling, afraid to sleep again after what I had just dreamt.

But that was no dream... it was a nightmare which spawned from Hell.


Heyo! Sorry again for that shit up there... So I just finished writing that at 2:10 in the morning on May 9, 2016 (don't know why I included the date lol). But yea, nothing that was italicized actually happened. This is just a reference to the nightmare Suga was talking about in chapter 25, when he was freaked out before Jikyo left for college.

Bye, have a Very Good time. :') - E


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