18. Old family

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As I woke the next morning, I was greeted by two missed calls, both from my old home number, which meant it was Hongwon and Naeun again. The time on my phone said 11:51. I was surprised with how late I slept in.

I unwrapped Jimin's arms from my waist and climbed out of bed, grabbing my phone and heading for the living room so I didnt wake anyone. Quickly, as I walked, I redialed Hongwon's number.

As I sat on the couch, he picked up the phone. "Jikyo!"

"Hey! Why'd you call so early? Is something wrong?" I questioned, panicked.

"No, nothing's wrong." Naeun said, "We were just wondering if we could come over and meet you friends today, maybe see your apartment."

I was a little excited all of a sudden for them to meet Jimin, Jungkook, J-Hope, V, Suga, Jin, and Namjoon. They had little knowledge of the past between Jimin and I, so hopefully there wouldn't be any bad happenings.

"Yea, I'm sure today will be fine." I informed them, "I'll wake them up and ask."

I set my phone on the coffee table and switched it to speaker so if they spoke, I'd hear it. Then I headed to the leader's room, which was also mine.

I entered and flopped on the bed, whining, "Oppa, wake up!"

He rolled so I would fall off of him, and released a screech before saying, "What do you want?"

I giggled innocently, trying to put on a face so he would give in easily. "Can my two older cousins come visit so they can meet you guys?"

Once I asked, his eyes shot open. "We're meeting family? Oh boy, family!"

He jumped off the bed, flopping onto the floor. He got to his feet and began sprinting to the other apartment. I took that moment to go and pick my phone back up.

"Yea, it's okay." I told them. "See you then."

They hung up, presumably to get ready to visit. Meanwhile, I entered Suga and Jungkook's room and jumped on top of Jungkook. "Wake up, Pabo! You get to meet my family today!"

He shifted and tried to push me off of him, "I already met your parents."

I stopped at his words. He stopped fighting me at the same time. I knew that he realized what he said was a bit awkward and dumb, considering my parents weren't alive. I wasn't mad at him, though. It wasn't like he meant to hurt my feelings on purpose.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that." He stuttered, seeming purely upset with himself. "I wasn't thinking about it and I just-"

"Jungkook, I know it was a mistake." I smiled go lighten the mood, "My cousins are coming. You know, Hongwon and Naeun who got married back when I was in 11th and you were in 10th?"

"Oh, I remember going to their wedding!" He recalled, "I bet they don't remember me."

"You only ever saw them during holidays when you'd stay over and they'd visit. They might remember you from the few Christmas parties you attended with me."

He shrugged, "I'll get Suga up and tell him. You handle Jimin. I can hear his screeching."

"Yea, he's excited to meet my family members." I stood, exiting the room.

Once I reached the couch to sit, Jimin came flying in the apartment again, doing laps around the couch. The four from the other apartment came to join me in sitting, and soon, Jungkook exited with Suga.

"Jikyo, I thought I said to never disturb my sleep." Suga reminded me of the first night I was here.

"I didn't do it." I reminded him, "It was Jungkook."

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