12. My Fault

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I woke to the sound of the boys talking in the dining room. I knew that they had returned with the lunch, and they were eating in there.

After opening my eyes, I saw a bottle of water and my green pill sitting on the coffee table. As usual, I took the pill and chugged a good amount of the water. There was also a pain killer. I took it too.

Pushing myself off the couch, I walked toward the dining room with a lot of trouble. Again, I was reminded of my injury. As I stood on the doorway, Namjoon looked over to see me.

"Look, she's up!" He pointed to me, grinning.

I waved as the six boys looked at me, mostly happy to see me awake. Again, I wasn't sure about Jimin.

I sat in between J-Hope and V, watching as food was passed to me. It was McDonald's... Suga's favorite.

"Thanks." I mumbled, afraid to trust my voice in that moment.

I had forgotten for a brief moment that I had been passed out only minutes ago. And I wasn't the only one who remembered.

"Jikyo, what happened? Why were you passed out?" Jungkook asked me, clearly concerned.

"I was thinking too much, as usual." I shrugged, attempting to avoid the conversation.

"What were you thinking so hard about, anyway?" Namjoon then asked, most likely confused about the situation he had previously witnessed.

Thinking back to the incident, I recalled that I had been thinking of Suga, along with the killer, and Jimin as well. But I had to leave Jimin out of it for now.

"Suga, and this entire killer thing that's been going on." I informed, barely louder than a whisper.

"Why were you so upset about Suga Hyung? He'll be home soon." Jimin seemed very confident with the matter, but I guess Namjoon didn't tell them yet.

"The doctor called earlier. They did the surgery this morning, and he isn't showing signs of waking up. He's gone into a coma." Namjoon explained.

"If he doesn't wake up soon, they'll just let him off the machines." I stated.

After giving my information, there was a moment of complete quiet. Surely we were all thinking about the possibility that Suga would die soon. The thoughts lasted up until Jimin yelled.

"This is all your fault, Jikyo!"

I had expected this argument to surface at some point. But I also believed him, and agreed completely.

"I know, I know it's my fault."

"You should've left the first day you were here! I can't believe I let you stay because J-Hope wanted you to! So much fighting, so much shit, and all because of you!"

"I know, I know."

I wasn't showing a sign of being upset, I just agreed. I nodded along, a straight stare on my face, gazing at his clearly pissed off face. He tilted his head.

"Are... Are you okay?" I nearly choked on air after hearing concern come from Jimin. Only seconds ago, he was shouting and screaming. And then he was questioning if I was alright.

"I'm fine, I just miss Suga." I shrugged, a little perplexed with Jimin's odd behavior.

"Well that's your fault." He muttered, readjusting in his seat and continuing to eat.

We all went back to eating normally. It was only a few seconds later that a note was passed over my lap, from J-Hope to V. It was a napkin with words written on it in pen.

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