20. Revealing

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Heyo! So I'm on the phone with my sister, her friend, and my bff, and they're theorizing so here!



I answered the random phone call after seeing if was Jin. His words only made me angrier.

"Jin? What do you want?" I hissed into the phone, "I'm not exactly in the best mood right now, and I don't want to hurt you too."

"Rethink what you've done today." He whispered, "Why would you cheat?"

"I didn't have time to explain. Jikyo... she left so fast."

"You don't have much time, Jimin." Jin suddenly hung up, leaving me in some sort of despair and confusion.

Jin didn't listen to me either. He wouldn't let me explain either.

Krystal walked into the apartment, which wasn't so shocking because the door was wide open. We never shut the doors, I swear.

"Jimin? Could I talk to you?" She requested. Her eyes seemed almost begging, as if she'd cry.

"I guess so." I shrugged. Hopefully she'd be gone before Jikyo got back. I didn't want a fight to start.

She took my hand and led me to the bedroom, shutting the door behind us. Those actions alone had me skeptical about her intentions.

"Jimin, I miss you."

I instantly had a feeling where this was heading. And it was a direction I didn't want to go.

"Can't say the same." I tried my hardest to say the nicest versions of my sentences. This chick was at the break of tears.

"I miss missing you, Jimin." She added on. I felt this sense of disgust, but still tried to be nice.

"Krystal, I'm with Jikyo." I said, trying to hint to leave me alone. She didn't get it.

"I guess that's why you're really nice now." She laughed, still crying. "Will you just kiss me? Let me pretend things are like they used to be."

I didn't want to kiss her in the slightest bit. I felt pity for her, but yet, I didn't have the heart to tell her no. So I just didn't say anything.

Before I could stop her, she was against me, her lips against mine. I was ready to throw up, feeling lips that weren't Jikyo's. But I just couldn't say anything, for some reason. Instead, I just tried to convince myself that it was Jikyo I was kissing.

And I remembered how much I love her. I wanted to hold her in my arms, love her as much as I could for the time we had left together. For a minute, I really did believe she was Jikyo, and not the whore

I tried to get rid of a long time ago.

I heard footsteps in front of us. My mind assumed the worse, and I was afraid to pull away and face reality. I knew exactly who it was. If if would be one of the boys to walk in, they'd stop us. But no one said anything.

I heard Jikyo pull her dresser drawer open. It was the bottom one, the squeaky one that hardly got opened. I felt instantly sorry, like she was getting ready to leave. I needed to stop her.

I pushed Krystal back, away from me. She scoffed, but then saw who joined us in the room. And my assumption was confirmed.

"No, please," Jikyo said, a grin on her lips as she stood up and turned back to us, "Go on. Don't let me bother you."

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