15. Hospital adventures

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As I woke in bed, alone, I held back a scream of pain and burning from my upper thigh, where I had been injured in the wreck around 9 days ago. I whipped the blanket off of me to the floor, revealing my leg to be swollen more than it had been the night before. There was also a green tint to the area around it, as well as a few purple patches.

Gently, I tried to get out of bed to wake Jungkook in his room. I didn't want to wake Jimin. He'd be mad at me for doing this to myself. And I knew exactly what I had done to myself.

Of course, being me, I tripped and fell to the floor just as I reached the door. He woke up instantly, looking over the bed at me and his eyes going wide.

"Jikyo!" He shouted, "Are you okay?"

I tried to nod, but I couldn't lie, and instead I just shook my head. He jumped out of bed, picking me up in his arms. He skillfully got the door open, then knocked on Jungkook's and yelled in, "Get up! Grab your phone and get Jikyo's too. We're all going to the hospital."

Jimin started for the door, likely to wake up the other four boys. As we walked out, I saw Jungkook leave his room in his pajamas, heading to the one Jimin and I shared.

"Namjoon, Jin!" Jimin shouted into the apartment, still holding me perfectly normally. "V, J-Hope! Everyone get up! Get your phones, we're leaving!"

I heard someone trip and fall, before V opened his door and revealed J-Hope getting off the floor.

"Oppa, are you alright?" I asked.

He got up and dusted off his knees, nodding and running over to me. "I'm fine. Are you okay?"

I shrugged, "I have no idea if I'm okay."

Once all the boys were in the living room with us, Jungkook also joined us. He said, "Our ride will be here in five minutes."

"Our ride?" Namjoon asked with his eyebrows furrowed.

"We won't all fit in Jin's car, so I called a friend for a ride." He said. "Kuhn hyung will be here in a few moments."

I questioned how Kuhn would get here so fast, and then questioned more when Jungkook informed us he was actually here already.

Jimin led us to the elevator, and J-Hope hit the button for him. We all piled in, and shortly arrived at the lobby floor. He walked me out quickly. Only once we reached the doors I realized it was really early.

"What time is it?" I asked once we arrived at the van.

"It's around 6 in the morning." I heard Jin say.

I gasped and instantly apologized as Kuhn and Jimin helped me into the van. "I'm sorry you all had to wake up so early. Kuhn, why did you agree to come get us so early in the morning?"

"Jungkook said hospital. I figured something went wrong, and I couldn't just say no." He smiled to me as he got in the driver's seat.

He restarted the vehicle and began driving toward the hospital. It was then that someone finally asked what happened.

"Okay, so why are we heading to the hospital at 6 in the morning?" V asked.

I sighed and began to explain, "I woke up with this hardcore pain in my leg, and I was gonna wake Jungkook up to run me to the hospital, but I fell and Jimin woke up and so you know the rest."

"Why didn't you just yell and wake me up?" Jimin sounded offended. I was afraid to tell him my answer, but I did anyway. I couldn't lie to my boyfriend.

"I thought you'd get mad at me." I mumbled, snuggling into him.

"Why would I be mad?"

"Because I haven't been taking my medication, and that's why my leg is throbbing. The medication was supposed to keep that from happening." I buried my face in his shoulder, embarrassed.

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