2. Downhill Battle

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I never did speak with Jungkook again. Not a word. He didn't text me when he got home. He didn't call after school, didn't even come by, as if he fell off the face of the earth.

About two years passed since the day I decided to get homeschooled. I was graduated, and so was Jungkook. That meant Jimin and his monkeys were as well free.

Speaking of them, they didn't talk to me, they didn't put any statuses on Facebook about me, or anything. They finally left me alone. For once, I felt peace.

All that shyness and social anxiety, it died off. I was outgoing, fun, sarcastic, and not just with close friends. I still didn't have any friends, though. But that was only because I was lazy.

"Jikyo, Honey. Your father and I are going out for dinner. We'll be back by 9." She informed me, kissing my cheek. "Make sure to check your heart pacer every so often."

"Bye, love you, Mom." I watched as she walked out of the house. That left me completely alone, with no one to talk to or even text. I could text Jungkook, but that'd be awkward since we hadn't talked in almost 2 years.

I decided to just spend the rest of my night watching youtube, specifically Kpop. Instantly, a Vixx video was recommended, and within minutes, I was watching nothing but Vixx.

As my bias popped up on screen, my heart pacer's volume increased slightly, informing me that my heart beat sped up a little. I laughed, realizing my bias had that effect on me.

I hadn't fainted since before homeschooling. After moving away from those bullies and people, my stress level lowered a butt ton. I actually began to think I didn't need my heart pacer. Sometimes I wondered if the tumor-thing no longer effected me.

"Good news, your emotional level went from 9.6 percent to 3.2 percent. It's at a normal rate. If we can figure out how to remove the tumor, you'll be normal."

I was never going to be normal, after all my heart did to ruin my reputation. All my friends ditched me because they thought I'd just die off. I was useless and I was just taking up space.

"LOOK, LOVE IS A NIGHTMARE. TIME IS OVER." I sang along with my bias.

I jumped up and down on the couch, singing along. The heart pacer beeped quickly, but it was normal since I was excercising. I took the clip off my chest and threw it to the chair, annoyed with the consistent sounds.

I paused my music as the house phone rang. I picked it up, curious as to who would call at this time.


"Hello. Jikyo, this is the paramedic carrying your parents. We're on 19th street. We wanted you to come here before we carried your mother and father to the hospital. It appears they got in a wreck and are most likely dead."

"I'll be there right away." I quickly hung up, grabbing my phone and shutting off the lights in the house. I locked the door and ran down the street, heading in the direction of 19th street.

When I arrived, I couldn't believe my eyes. Cops everywhere... Firetrucks, ambulances. There was my mother's car, piled into a tree.

"N-no... NO!"

They pulled my father out of the crushed vehicle. His eyes were open, as he screamed in pain. Soon after, the shouts stopped, and he went pale.

My mother was lifted out as well. She didn't make a sound, as if she was only asleep. I ran up to her, panicked.

"Umma, wake up!" I shrieked, "Appa's in pain, you gotta help him!"

The paramedics looked at me with a stare of shame and pure guilt.

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