10. Waking

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Waking up wasn't something I expected to ever do again. I didn't think I'd be able to look at the ceiling of a room another time. I certainly believed the roof of the ambulance would be the last thing I saw.

But it wasn't. Instead, I was able to open my eyes and look around the room, which I regretted once I saw 6 boys sitting in chairs across the small room, lit by only a ceiling light, as it was dark outside. Only six. That meant...

"Guys, look! She's awake!" Jungkook instantly caught my eyes searching the room for the 7th boy. In a moment, all 6 of the guys were surrounding me.

I wasn't entirely sure what happened. The most I remembered was something with Suga. I knew there was something bad with Suga. Horrible, maybe.

"Are you alright? Dr. Jung said there was a chance you'd have slight amnesia. Do you remember me?" J-Hope was spazzing already, and I had only been awake 30 seconds.

"Yes. I remember all of you. Bootylicious, Bootythrasher, Boxerbaby, Abraham underscore Lincoln, Horseyhorse, Daddy." I had noticed my words coming out in a slur.

Seeing I could speak, Jin rushed to get the doctor, I assumed.

"Oh, she's good if remembered our text names." Namjoon sighed with relief, then continued, "But please continue to refer to me forever as Daddy."

"Stop being hella thirsty, Namjoon." I once again had trouble pronouncing my words. "But where's Yoongi Oppa? I feel like something's wrong."

"Jikyo, it's not important right at this moment." V mumbled.

The doctor entered the room, automatically bringing his hand gently to cup my cheek. He turned my head in different directions, staring at something.

"Is it infected?" Jungkook asked professionally.

"No, it's just swollen. It will be for about a week, so make sure she stays on the antibiotics and has ice nearby to keep the swelling to a minimum."

Still, I sat without any information as to what they were discussing. When I made a very confused face, J-Hope finally noticed I was stressing out over my little amount of knowledge in the situation.

"Someone tell her what happened." J-Hope directed, gesturing to the many people in the room.

It took a moment before it was decided Dr. Jung would tell me himself. He explained as he did medical things around the room.

"To start it out, the date is January 21, five days since you guys wrecked."

The 21st? I had missed the one month anniversary of being with the boys.

Wait, wreck?

"You and your friend, Yoongi, had gotten in a wreck on the way home the night of the 16th. According to your 911 call, Yoongi wasn't waking up and was struggling to breathe. The paramedics said when they got to the scene, they saw he was bleeding out of his skull."

I barely remembered this.

"You were bawling your eyes out apparently, yelling when they took him to the bed because you didn't want him to leave. They thought the wreck had not only killed him, but also knocked your brain up and made you bonkers. Then they got you here, as well as Yoongi. You were both rushed into the ER, and they found out you only had a torn thigh muscle, along with your jaw being impaled with glass from a window. You'll be fine, minus the pain for a month's time. As for Yoongi..."

The part about Yoongi was all I wanted to know about.

"Well, he was awake for about three minutes to inform us on what happened the night you came in, then he passed out. But he had smashed his head off of something in the car and fractured his skull. He also got stabbed with part of the car's frame in the shoulder, dangerously close to his heart." He added, "We actually had a patient come in here with a similar injury a little while ago. Her name was Raeki."

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