Part 5 ( the big surpise )

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I took all my bags, and I go out & I see my mom friend waiting for me and waving for me.
Me: hello miss Lina ^^
Miss Lina: hello Bella, welcome to Korea ^^.
Me: thanks miss Lina, wow I am so excited from now.
Miss Lina: well you still didn't see anything hahaha, come on let's go.
(then she drives me to my grandmother home ).
Miss Lina: so how was your trip?
Me: it was amazing & also I make a new friends too haha.
Miss Lina: really? well, that seems good .^^, oh by the way. I heard that some famous Korean band come also in your same plane, do you have any idea about who they are?
Me: really? No, I don't know, I didn't notice anything.
Miss Lina: Oh, that because I notice a group of girls. Waiting for them & I heard that they coming same your plane that's why.
Me: Hahaha I don't know, because I was just awake for a while & then I fall asleep all the way haha.
Miss Lina: yea, it must be really long trip from Swiss till Korea & I am sure you're so tired now, that's why you need to rest all the day.
Me: yea I have too ^^.
Miss Lina: by the way, I have to give you some information about your grandmother, so you know
Me: yea, I just saw her once, when I was 4 years old so I really can't remember her.
Miss Lina: well Bella, your grandmother, is not like what you're thinking, she is the most famous powerful women in all Korea, she is big a business women in Korea and all the Asian countries.
Me: OMG really!!, I didnt know that ???
Miss Lina : yea, she is a big business women in Korea, she owns almost all the companies of recording music labels, plus she has other business too ,& I'm one of the employees who work in one of her companies, but she told me to bring you because me and your mother are friends for a long time .
Me: I'm really shocked now, but why my grandmother didn't tell me that before or even call to me and my mom at all?.
Miss Lina: since your mom and dad get married, your grandma didn't accept their marriage. She always wanted for your dad to get married in the Korean traditional marriage, and she wanted him to get married to a Korean women. But when your dad studies out of Korea and meet your mother and decide to get married, your grandma didn't accept it, but since your father loves your mother much, they get married. When they get married, your grandma didn't want to see your father anymore. Until the day that she found out that your dad had a car accedant and passed away, she gets a broken heart and get sick, and when she found out that he have a doughter, she sursh for you and for your mom, she wanted to see U and see her son on you, U have your father eyes , but when you and your mother moved to Swiss she couldn't find you , and when she hear that you will come to Korea, she told me to welcome you and that she wants to see you and be with you and spand time with you.
( Bella get so emotional and a tears fall on her cheek after hearing all this news! Her mother hide this story from her and didn't want to tell her, she still dont know why her mother didn't tell her about this but she still needs answers from her mother when she goes back to swiss. She smiles to Lina and said )
Bella: I'm so excited to see my grandma too. I miss her 😊
( after this long conversation, we finally reach ,it was a big huge Casal, when the car stopped, I see a big line of maids man and women's, waiting for me and to welcome me with a smile on there faces, then one of the big master of all maids his name is Tom. He comes to me ).
Mr Tom: welcome miss Bella to Korea.
Me: thank you ^^.
Mr Tom: my name is Tom & I'm the headmaster of all the people who work here.
( than two guys who works there, they come & and take my bags )
Mr Tom: can you follow me miss Bella, to show you your room.
Then I follow him. It was a big huge amazing inside, and everything was white and black and made by crustal, until we reach to the big golden door, then he open it. It was really a big pink room ,and there was a huge white bed and candles with all colors in every corner of the room ,and big windows, and a huge TV, & there were two more doors, so he goes and open one of the doors.
Mr Tom: this is your clothes room, and tomorrow we will go shopping so you can have all that you want.
Me: but I already bring some clothes with me.
Mr Tom: some clothes are not enough, and as we heard from your mom, you are wearing simple clothes without any colours, so we will do a big change of you and your look.
Me: but ..?
Mr Tom: all this is orders from miss Hilary (your grandma ).
Then he opens the other door.
Mr Tom: and this is your bathroom.
(It was really a big bathroom, it's even bigger than my room hahaha, and a classic shower with diamond, and amazing shiny colours)
( I shocked ).
Mr Tom: I will leave you now miss Bella to rest but you have to know some rules here, the breakfast will be at 6:00 am, lunch will be at 12:00 pm & dinner at 8:00 pm, so you have to be down at same time.
Me: but where is my grandma, I want to see her?
Mr Tom: miss Hilary she has a business meeting in Japan, but she will be here tomorrow at 11:00 am & she wants to see you too when she comes back at the lunch so don't forget to be in the same time.
Me: ok I will be.
(Than he goes).
Then I go and jump on my big bed and laying, oh that is too comfortable
Me: but there are many strict rules in my grandma home, I'm really bad at same time, & how about the big change on me, I really love being simple and wearing dark colours, I really don't know what to do.haha
( i get up and have a hot bath, and then I wear my clothes and leave my hair, as usual, then I call my mom )
Me: hi mom, how are you, I reach I am in Korea now, at my grandma home.
Mom: oh finally, I am happy that you reach safe, how are you, did you rest? Did you eat?
Me : wow wow mom ,many questions, yes I am good and safe and I'm in my grandma home in my room and I took a bath & the lunchtime at 12:00 pm, & by the way my grandma is not here, she is in Japan in a meeting work, and you owe me a big explanation about what happening here, I'm really shocked about what I just knew .haha
Mom: yea I know, I know that is many things for you to just know it for sudden, and I'm sorry because I hide it from you, but & I hope you will enjoy with your grandma, she really want to see you for a long time , but now you are ready, so have fun there and don't forget to eat much and be more careful with Time, I know you bad at this but try, because your grandma really care much at the exact time hahah .also call me every day. Ok, love you :)
Me: ok mom I will do all that you told me, just don't be worry & I will call you every day. , love you too .:)
(then after I done speaking with my mom, I decided to take a small nape until it will be 12:00 pm, but for my bad luck I overslept)
Me: I opened my eyes little and look at the time, omg it's 1:00 pm, I am really late, I run down with my sleeping clothes, & I summer. Tom looking at me.Mr.Tom: you are late 1hour missBella.Me: I am sorry but I overslept because I was really tired of that long trip.MrTom: ok for this time, but don't repeat it again because miss Hilary will get mad & also it's not allowed to go out from your room with your sleeping clothes.
Me: ok I won't do it again, and I really don't know about sleeping clothes too.
(then I sit on a huge long white table, and maids make that table full of food & all kinds of foods )
Me: I really can't eat all this haha
( when finally I finish, I go to my room again.but I find a stranger number called me, so I called to the number back to know who is that ).
Me: Hello, excuse me I saw that you called Me, can I know who are you?
Jimin: it's Jim, I met you on the plane today and I sit beside you.
Me: oh hi Jimin, sorry I forget to save your numbehahah, how are you?
Jimin: I'm fine, did yo rest?
Me: yea I did and I eat my lunch too.
Jimin: how about I come and I take you with me on a small tour around Seoul?
Me: yea sure I am free too.
Jimin: tell me your address.
Me: it's ...............
Jimin: ok I will be there after 20minute.
( I wear my black jeans and my Black shirt than and leave my hair and put a black hat, and I make some smokey in my eyes & just took my sports bag and then I was going out when. I see me. Tom )
Me. Tom: can I know where are you going miss Bella?
Me: I'm going out with my friend for a small tour in Seoul.
Mr Tom: just don't forget that we close doors at 10:00 pm, and you have to be home at 8:00 pm for dinner.
Me: ok I will be home before 10:00 pm but I think I will eat dinner out with my friend.
(And in This time my phone ring)
Me: oh that Jimin, hello
Jimin: hello Bella I'm outside but I can't go inside the door is closed.
Me: oh wait it will open now.
Me: mr.tom can you tell them to open the door so he can come in?
Mr Tom: ok
(Than the doors open )
Me: I have to go now.
Mr Tom: have fun miss Bella :)
(Than I go out and I see Jimin waiting for me in his black sports car. then I go in his car ).
Jimin: I didn't know that you live in this big Casal ?& that you are from Kim Hilary family, the biggest family in Korea? :O
Me: me either hahaha, but were you going to take me.jimin hahaha?
Jimin: it's a surprise hahaha. ;)
So, guys, this part is little longer, tell me if you like it or no, and hope I see some comments too hahaha

( love U my readers )
Guys if you like my story you can also read my others stories (love is not over), ( love excused), ( sad butterfly ) & ( love is a punishment )
& don't forget to make likes and comments.

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