part 38 (strange dinner!)

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( kai finished his shower , he went out and wear his clothes, while he zipping his pant

bella get in , he looked at herthan looked back at the mirror , than she said )Bella : where you going again ?

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bella get in , he looked at her
than looked back at the mirror , than she said )
Bella : where you going again ?

bella get in , he looked at herthan looked back at the mirror , than she said )Bella : where you going again ?

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Kai : I will go to have a dinner in the restaurant !
Bella : and I'm going with you.
( kai looked at her for a while than he said ) ok !

( at the restaurant )
( both were eating silent and calm , bella looked at kai, he was looking at his plate and eating , than he look a little around .

( at the restaurant ) ( both were eating silent and calm , bella looked at kai, he was looking at his plate and eating , than he look a little around

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Suddenly his phone ring , bella looked at him and said diractly ) who is it ?

( he looked at her a question look because she never asked him before who calling him and to whom he talking , than he said ) it's work , I will answer !
( he answering while Bella stop eating and looking at him while he speaking )
Kai : hello ! Yes ! ... well they will reach there next week ! Yes you can .... I'm coming back next week ... no I can't this week , I'm in a honeymoon right now ! You can talk to my assistant and she will orgnize everything . OK ok you welcome ,bye !
( than he close the phone and looked at bella , she was staring at him )
Kai : why you stop eating your food ?.
Bella : I'mm nothing !
Kai : you know you acting weird today !
Bella : no I'm totally fine and ok
Kai : okay than good !
( than kai phone ring again , he looked at it and it was molly ! He didn't know what to do . Bella looked at him and said )

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