Chapter 1: Shopping

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Jaz's POV...

Knowing that Dad and Owba were getting married soon I was extremely happy. I looked at the two and asked, "Can we go to the store?" Owba looked at me with a smile.

"Sure, I have go anyway to get some food."

"Do you have enough?" Mink asked.

Since he said that I haven't checked my balance on my coil. I looked onto my coil and checked my balance: $3,689 in American dollars. Wow didn't except that. Ill call Liz and Aig for a money transfer later.

"Yeah I have enough as well." I said turning off my coil.

Mink nodded. "Go get your shoes on."

I did as so getting my combat boots. When I was done Mink and Owba were all ready. "Hurracan, Lila, and Ren watch the house for us." I said walking out the door as my parents followed Mink shutting the door. Then started walking to the store. "What are you getting from the store?" Mink asked curiously.

"I'm getting some ingredients for dinner tonight and some other groceries."

Oh yeah dinner another way of not giving us food poison.

"Jaz?" Mink asked.

"I need to get some clothes. Since this is all have that I'm wearing."

Mink grunted. I'm guessing that's a way of him saying okay I guess. The three of us kept walking in the forest knowing it's a long walk. Owba looked to me. "Jaz what kind clothes are you into?"

"Hm? You mean like style?"


I had to think for a bit since I really didn't think of what I like to wear usless Mink was wearing it. "Honestly I don't know." Regardless of what I wear never take fashion advice from someone who wears piss yellow socks.

The Store...

Owba grabbed a basket and I grabbed an cart. "I'll be in the clothes section." I walked off.

Mink's POV...

I watched Jaz go to the clothes section and Aoba chuckles lightly. "Mink relax she's just getting clothes. No need to feel uptight. "

I sighed. "I know that it's just new to me having her in my life. So I really don't how to react." Aoba understood alittle from his point of view but wouldn't let that bother me as much. "I'll go look for a book."

"Okay, I'll look for you or Jaz when I'm done."

I nodded then walked to book section. Scanning to see what intrigues my intrest to read this time.

"Hm, there's no--"

I cut myself off seeing a title saying: How to raise a teenage girl.
I don't know if this was a coincidence or just a sign but I grabbed the book turning to a random page.

Show your love

--One of the most important parenting skills needed for raising healthy teens involves positive attention. Spend time with your teen to show her that you care. Listen to your teen when she talks, and respect your teen's feelings. Also, keep in mind that only reprimanding your teen and never giving her any justified praise can prove demoralizing.--

"Interesting." I closed the book and walked over to the clothing section where Jaz was but she wasn't in the girls section. Looking all over in area she wasn't there then looked over seeing that she's picking up t-shirts from the boys section.

I'm guessing she likes graphic tees.

Looking at the basket she had were already filled with some of the girls clothes. I sighed. "She seems to have everything from there." walking back to Aoba.

"Oh, hey Mink you got everything?" he asked.

"Yeah, Jaz is still picking up clothes."

Aoba smiled. "That's good, and can you help me gind a cereal Jaz told me to get?"

"Sure, what is it?"

Aoba looked at the list of groceries. "It's called Cinnamon Toast Crunch."

"Cinnamon what?"

Jaz's POV...

"Okay, now clothes are out the way time to go get some mechanical machinery." I haven't got to make anything for months now. Since I'm in America now it's gonna be harder to find some of the material. Walking to the mechanical section I passed Owba and Dad.

"Hold up." Backining up looking at what they got. Multiple boxes of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I only said get one Owba! You had one job! I sighed. "Might as well wait to get the machinery." Turning my basket to their direction.

"I'm done."

"We were just about to get you Jaz." Owba smiled.

"Yeah, and who idea to get more than one box?"


"Let's got to the register." Mink said cutting Owba.

Should've know better that Dad would something like this.

As we went to the register to pay for oir things Dad and Owba payed for their things. But what the cashier flirting with my dad.

"Oi, lady can you do your job without flirting with everything that moves?" I asked sarcastically. Owba lowly snickered. The casheir having short blonde hair brown eyes and an attitude. When she looked at me she rolled her eyes. Mink looked at me and I looked back at him shrugging.

The female cashier scanned my things looking at the total of $358.50 of my things crossing her arms. "Can you you even pay for this?"

"Certainly." I payed by my coil leabing the cashier speechless of actual paying. "Have a nice day." I said grabbing my bags walking to Mink and Owba.

"Was that necessary?" Mink asked.

"Oh yeah it definitely necessary."


A/N: Heeeeeeeeeeeeey my lovely readers! Here's a sequel of My Hot Dad Is Mink?! I've been asked alot about a the sequel and wah-la! Comment & Vote ~!

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