Chapter 44:Oh boy

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Granny Toue was in the process of cooking lunch for the Now very pregnant Aoba who looked like he was ready to pop any moment now. Mink was at work and was getting off pretty soon since it was the weekend and always tends to close early. Little Jaz was talking to her little sibling as they moved as she talked. Aoba found it adorable the unborn child and Jaz were communicating to one another.

"Do you want a brother or a sister?" Aoba asked

Jaz shrugged. "I dunno either is fine." Clearly meaning that she didn't care since she's going to be a big sister.

"Alright lunch is served!" Granny Toue yelled from the kitchen. Jaz got up to her feet scrambling to the kitchen. "Yay tacos!" Jaz grabbed a plate for Aoba and putting four tacos on the plate. She walked out giving Aoba the plate. "Thank you dear." He smiled taking the plate and digging in.

"No problemo." Giving a gleeing smile. As she walked back to the kitchen to get her own food. Aoba was enjoying his food and so did the baby. "I see you like Granny's cooking." He looked to he belly seeing the baby move. Within minutes He finished his food taking in a deep breath.

Toue pokes her head out the kitchen. "You alright over there?"

"Granny I'm fine just the baby moving again." Aoba waved his hand.

"You sure it's not contractions?"

"They're probably false contractions." Aoba carefully started to get up but there was a splash sound that hit the floor. Aoba frozed as he looked down slowly.


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