Chapter 1.

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Authors note:
(Y/n): your name
(Y/f/n):your friends name
(F/c):favorite color
(E/c):eye color
(H/l):hair length
(H/c):hair color

~* Your POV *~

"Mom! Dad! I need to talk to you for a second." I yelled from upstairs.

I nervously pace around the room and breathe in and out to calm myself to what I was about to tell my parents.

My parents didn't really support any of my decisions.So telling them this might piss them off and make them not talk to me for years.

I heard a soft knock come from within the door and it slowly opened.I turn around and faced them with fear in my eyes.

"What is it you needed to tell us hun?" My mother held her hands in her thigh and gave me a reassuring smile.

"I will be moving to London with, (y/f/n).and my plane leaves today at 3:45." I said quietly but loud enough for them to hear it.

"WHY DIDNT YOU TELL US SOONER?!" My mom yelled at me causing me to jump a little.

"You guys were so busy I didn't have the chance to tell you and whenever I tried to tell you guys, you would ignore me and won't let me speak."

"Your not going!"my father yelled.

"Why not?I am already 21. I am old enough to do whatever I want!"

"Because you don't have my damn permission that's why! Now stay in here and don't you dare go anywhere." My dad got the last word.

My parents stormed out the room and left me there standing.

'I will go no matter what.' I said it in my head.

I opened my window and pulled out my phone.

I dialed a number and placed it in my ear.

Three rings later (y/f/n) answered.

"What up girl? You excited!" She yelled bursting my ear a little.

"Be by house in 10 minutes."

"But I am not done packing."

"We can always share clothes now hurry up."

"Okay okay don't put your panties in a twist.I'll be there."

I hung up and threw my suitcases out the window.They landed on the bushes which made it easier for me to hide from my parents.I waited for (y/f/n) to call me.

A few minutes pass by when she called me.

"I am here." She said before hanging up on me.

I jumped out my window which caused me to land on my suitcases.

"Fuck.That hurt."

I grabbed my suitcases and put them in the trunk.I walked in front of the car and placed my phone in front of the wheel.I stepped inside the car and smiled.

"Why did you do that?" she asked with a hint of annoyance.

"My parents will easily track me with my phone.They must think I am stupid enough not to know they placed a chip on it." I informed.

"Well are you ready?"


And with that she drove off and we heard my phone break.

I smiled.

Give Me A Chance | Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now