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Hi. I actually really miss writing this book.

I've had many ideas plot out in this book but I never really wrote them and changed it.

So yes I am writing another Dan X reader, that will be long. It will last longer than 27 chapters, long chapters and if you guys are okay with it I will also write smut into it.

Give me a chance was just supposed to stay as a cute little innocent story but this one will be more dirty so if you like books like that haha your welcome.

Anyways I will write an epilogue? (is it a sequel or epilogue) idk but those short after stories.

Because tbh I really love this book.

I'll inform you when I write the sequel epilogue thingy and when I upload the first Chapter of my other book (that I haven't even come up with a title with)

Am I the only that has trouble coming up with a title than to write a whole chapter?

That's why I kind of updated a lot because I finish writing a chapter in one day.


Well I feel like you should know me better so I'll explain what happened.

So I have a friend who I shall keep anonymous and just call her Amy.

So I knew Amy since like 3rd but I never really fully talked to her. But we soon became super close in 7th grade and we were instant best friends. Like we talked to each other about problems and shit like that. Then in the end of the 8th grade she said to me and my other beat friend, who I'll just name Marie, that she got accepted to the academy. I was glad for her because its what she wanted to and so I just supported her.

The thing is, I've had experience about my friends going to a different school and I had a feeling shit was going down. She did promise that we will still be close, but it seems like we are just strangers completely.

I have her for my 8th period (she can have a class in my school) but since she isn't the only one coming from there she also has friends going to the same class.

So basically I am a loner. Yeah I sit with a person but may as well be a loner since I don't even talk to her. She sits with her friend and I just leave her alone. You must be thinking "well you can always hang out after school?" Well since we are in JROTC (military class) we are in teams, she is in Raiders and I am Unarmed, we have practice after school everyday and end at different times. So no I can't. "How about the weekends?" Haha I have homework and plus she is with her team hanging out.

So yeah you could say I am jealous that she is super close to other people but I mean why wouldn't I be.

She hated it when I hugged her. She did. She hated hugs, but her new friends give her hugs and she says nothing about it. She hugs them back. I mean that's complete bullshit right there.

I try and strike a conversation but I just feel awkward and don't know what to say. So yes I do try and I just give up.

So yeah I'll just stop blabbing. I am sorry for even saying that much information. I had to let them out. I've been holding those feelings since the beginning of the school year.

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