Chapter 7.

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~* Your POV *~

"Hi everyone! My name is (y/n) and this is my best friend (y/f/n)." I started.

"HI!!" (y/f/n) yelled.

"And this is my first ever vlog.You may recognize me from Phil's video,which you should check out! link in the description below. And Phil here." I pointed the camera towards Phil.

"Hi." He said innocently

I brought the camera back to me. "Said I should make a YouTube account.So here you go. Wish granted."

I put my phone away.

"Lets go do something! we need to entertain our viewers!" I said.

"K." Said Dan.

* In some fair in London *

"Okay so Dan and I here.SAY HI DAN!!" I pointed the camera towards Dan.

"Hello internet." He did a salute thing with his fingers.

"We'll be riding the 'Eye of London' because I am afraid of heights.And I want to get over it.So here we go!."

I put the phone away and we both walk into the ride.When the ride started going up I started to clutch Dan's arm.I look down to see we were at least 10 meters off the floor.

"I cant do this holy fuck.SHIT." I closed my eyes and started yelling out random cuss words.

"You'll be fine." Dan assured.

After he said that the ride suddenly stopped.My heart dropped.

"Oh.My.God." I stopped at each word.

"(y/n). Everything will be fine.It will soon move.I am sure of it." He held my shoulder.

My breath started increasing and so did my heart.


I started clutching into him.He held me tight making me feel a little bit safer.

"Ladies and gentlemen the ride should soon start."

"See, I told you." He said looking down at me.

I look up at him and faked a smile.I calmed down a little and took out my phone and turn on the camera.

"Hi guys.So yeah I am now more terrified about heights.We are now stuck up here from a 20 meter drop and yeah.How are you feeling Dan." I pointed the camera towards him.

"I am great actually but I would be better if you stopped crushing me." He said jokingly.

"Oops sorry."

I sit up and looked at him straight in the eyes.He did the same.

Then he slowly leaned in forward and I just stayed frozen.As his face was only centimeters away the ride started moving bringing us back to reality.We both looked away.

I put my phone away and cough nervously.

"So.." He said.

"Yup."I said.

As soon as the ride was over I quickly got off.I walked towards where Phil and (y/f/n) were sitting.

"So (y/n) did you get rid of your fear?" Phil said grinning.

I raised my eyebrow and eyed him.

"No." I laughed after wards.

"Did you cry? Did you pee? Were you being a little wuss?" Asked (y/f/n).

"No.No and yes."

We all laughed and walked towards the bumb cars.

* Outside the flat *

"Goodnight Dan and Phil." (y/f/n) said waving at them before she got inside.

"Goodnight." Phil said before entering his flat.

Dan and I just stood there awkwardly.

"Your not going to put that in video? Right?" He asked.

"No! Of course not!" I said.

He just nodded.

"Well um goodnight."

"Night." Is all I said before walking in.

I then quickly go up to my room and edit out the part where Dan and I had a very awkward moment and some other part and then uploaded the video.

Once it finished I turn off the computer and fall asleep

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