Chapter 23.

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~* Phil's POV *~

I was worried about Dan and (y/n). Someone said they had take them somewhere. Someone else said it was a lady with a white suit and long black hair.

Then I remember what happened in the mall. It was the same one. Theresa. well I believe that was her name.

I looked around the hotel for (y/f/n) and explain what I have been told.

I walked the corner and saw her walking out of a room. I ran towards her and grabbed her shoulder.

"Hey Phil!" She said excitedly.

She doesn't know what's going on? How am I supposed to break this to her?

"Hey (y/f/n)!" I started. "I uh need to tell you something." My heart was racing and I was scared of her reaction.

"What is it?"

"Well remember Theresa?"

"How could I forget that fucker?"

"Well anyways. She is back. She took Dan and (y/n) away and I don't know where they are. I've asked other people but they don't know either."

Her face flushed. She started crying and I held her. She cried in my shoulder and I gently rubbed her back.

"Phil!" Someone yelled from behind.

(Y/f/n) let's go and wiped her tears away. We both look to see Pj running towards us.

He stopped right in front of us and heavy breathed.

"They *pant* found (y/n) and *pant* Dan. They are *pant* outside." He explained through breaths.

I look at (y/f/n) and grabbed her wrist. We both started running down the hall and down the stairs. It didn't matter that we were in the 10th floor, we didn't want to wait for the damn elevator.

When we made it to the lobby we saw a whole bunch of people looking out the window.

We pushed through and made it outside.Ambulance's and polices were outside some house across the street.

That's where they must be.

We didn't hesitate to run across the street. We almost got hit but we didn't care.

As we made it to the scene, we saw (y/n) faint.I look to my right and saw them put Dan in the ambulance and quickly drove off.

I first went to grab (y/n) but the police stopped me from doing so.

"You can't be here sir. I am afraid to ask you to-"

"I am their friend. I am Phil lester and this is (y/f/n) (her last name). We heard about the situation and we rushed here." I interrupted.

"Sir, please you have to leave!" He started pushing me away.

"At least tell me what hospital you're taking them."

"San Felipe hospital." He told me.

They grabbed (y/n) and took her to a different ambulance and sped off.

"Could you take us? I don't want to wait for a cab! I want to be therw quickly!" (Y/f/n) came from behind and asked the officer.

He sighed and by the looks on his face he didn't want to.

"Fine. Just don't touch anything." He said and walked us to his car.

I opened the door for (y/f/n) and entered in the back with her.

He turned on the sirens and started driving off behind the ambulance.

"Do you know anything about their conditions?" I asked.

"The young man was stabbed in the back and the young lady has multiple bruises on her face. What's their names?" He replied.

"Dan Howell and (y/n) (l/n)."

"Well, I hate to break it to you. But it looks like the young man has a low chance to survive."

My heart sank and I heard (y/f/n) starting to cry.

No. My biffle. He was the one that was there for me. I love him with all my heart. This can't be happening. This is crazy. Please tell me I am dreaming.

We parked outside the hospital and I didn't hesitate to run inside.

I made it to the clerk and slammed my hands in the desk.

"What rooms are Dan Howell and (y/n) (l/n) in?" I asked as my heart pounded 100 miles per hour. She then attended to her computer to search for them.

(Y/f/n) made it in time before she announced it.

"(Y/n) is in the 4th floor room 102 and Dan is in 1st floor room 20" she informed.

I look at (y/f/n).

"I'll go see Dan and you go see (y/n)" I slurred and sped off not hearing her response.

I ran down the hall and found the room he was put into. I burst inside their and saw the doctors injecting needles.

"Sir, you have to leave now! You can't be in here!" A nurse pushed me outside not letting me speak.

She directed me to the visitors room and sat me down.I didn't hesitate to cry.

Dan please. Please don't die. Don't do this to me. I am nothing without you. I should have been there. I should have. It should have been me.

"Sir? Is everything alright?" A different nurse asked me and placed a hand in my shoulder. I looked up at her "Come on let me take you to the cafeteria and we can have a cup of coffee."

I stood up and walked with her. I felt safe for some reason. I felt like I could trust her.

We made it to the cafeteria and she made me sit down. I was now deep in thought. Dan I love you man. I wiped the tears away and ducked my head down.

Minutes later the nurse comes back and rubs my back. I stood up and she places a cup of coffee in front of me.

"Thank you." I say in a croaky voice.

"Do you mind if I ask why are you upset?" She took a sip of her cup.

"I might lose my best friend. He means the whole world to me. He is always there when I need him and I am thankful for that. It should have been me though. I feel bad for his girlfriend" I say and hold the tears from escaping.

"He will live." She places a hand on top of mine, making me believe everything is alright. "I bet he is a very strong young man. He will fight to keep his friendship longer with you. He will stay alive for his love one. Come on let's wait in the patient room for them to call you."

We walked back and left my undrinked coffee alone.

The nurse had to go do her job. So I was alone and went deep in though.

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