Chapter 5.

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~* Your POV *~

"And that ladies and gentlemen is why you don't get distracted on your phone as you go up an escalator." Dan announced, chuckling to himself afterwards.

We all bursted out laughing at his little story incident.

"I feel so bad for you." I admit, gazing at him with a small frown.

He just smiled, amusement taking upon his features. He scooted closer and bumped my shoulder playfully.

"Watch it!" I joked as Dan giggled at my reaction.

"Where do you.. OH MY FLUFFEN GOSH!"

I leaned towards the store window and saw the most beautiful emerald necklace. I stared at it in awe.

"It's certainly quite nice. You should get it. I bet you will look incredible."

I glanced at Dan to check if he was looking at the same necklace I was looking at. I blushed a little at his comment.

"I cant. I don't have enough money."

"I could get it for you."

"No!" I accidentally yelled getting the attention of the people around us. "Sorry I didn't mean to yell."

He smiled. "It's fine. Come on let's go before Phil and (y/f/n) get impatient."

As Dan and I were walking towards Phil and (y/f/n), who were waiting by the popcorn stand, a man at his mid 20's pointed his gun towards us, along with his other men. Dan and I froze.

"Drop your bags and raise your hands!" He demanded.

We did as we were told and saw other people running away screaming. I look to my right and see they had also got Phil and (y/f/n). I felt my heart beat faster by the second.

The blonde haired man kicked Dan on the back of his knee, which caused him to fall and he did the same with the rest of us. I looked up at the blonde and growled.

"What do you want with us?" I snarled.

"You know exactly what we want, (y/n)." a females voice from behind said.


She got in front of me and grinned.

"Piss off" I spat on her face.

She slapped me, leaving a warm stinging sensation on my left cheek.

"Don't speak to me like that."

I smirked. "Or what ?"


She walked towards Dan and started kissing him roughly. He tried backing away, but she held the back of his head pulling him closer.

She pulled away for breath and looked towards me and smirked.

"Leave him alone. I am pretty sure he doesn't want to get sick." was all I said.

The 4 men laughed.

"SILENCE!" she yelled and they all stopped.

"You know what. Theresa, just take me already.Just don't hurt my friends anymore."

"(y/n) No." Phil said quietly enough for me to hear.

"DID YOU SAY SOMETHING?!" A red haired man yelled.

Phil shook his head.

He was ready to throw a punch at him when Dan stood up and tackled him to the ground.

"DAN NO!!" I yelled.

I immediately stood up and quickly brought out my gun from the inside my shirt. I grabbed the red haired guy from his neck and placed the gun in his temple. Theresa and the men all froze.

"Phil, Dan, (y/f/n). Call the police and go outside! I'll take care of this." I demanded.

"We will stay here." Phil insisted.

"Yeah we cant leave you alone." Dan added.

"I'll be fine." was all I said.

Before they even got to walk, we heard sirens going on outside.The police got inside and took Theresa and her men.

I ran towards (y/f/n) and hugged her. She held me tight and cried on my shoulder.

"They found you." she whispered.

"And now they will be locked up for a long time." I reassuringly said.

I pulled away and looked at Dan and Phil.

"I get it if you guys don't want us any where near you," I started, "Come on (y/f/n), let's go home." (Hide much)

I held her hand and walked the opposite way.


I turn around and saw them quickly running towards us.

"We never even thought of that." Phil said smiling.

I was surprised,shocked and happy .Tears fell down my cheeks.

"Oh (y/n). Why are you crying?" Phil asked, hugging me.

"You guys are the first people to have ever said that." I muffled in his chest.

"We will be here for you guys. I promise." added Dan.

And that's when my life changed.

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