Chapter 15.

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~* Your POV *~

I woke up and started getting ready for Vidcon.I put on a black tee with a black skirt and black boots. (Idk about you but that's my typical style.)

I put on a bit of mascara and lied down my bed wanting time to go fast by.I sigh out of boredom and gently close my eyes.

Then suddenly someone knocked the door.I tiredly stand up and opened it to see Dan standing there.He wore his black shirt, with a black leather jacket, black skinny jeans and black sneakers.

He smiled towards me.

"Hey." He started.

"Hi." I replied.

"You look very nice. Wow." He blushed. I did the same.

"Thanks. Come on in."

He came in and sat down on the bed.

"So what's up?" I stood in front of him.

"Oh I wanted to check if you were fine."

"Well let me see."

I started touching every part of my body.

"Yeah I am good."

He chuckled.

Then the room fell into a deep silence.Then suddenly a knock was heard from the door.

I went to open it and saw Zoella.

"Hey!" She excitedly said as she went in for a hug.

I welcome her embrace and hug her back.

"I like your vlogs so much! I am so glad I finally get to meet you! How have you been?!"

"I've been great thanks.How about you?"

"I've been good.I was wondering if you wanted to go to the hotel's buffet with Alfie and I?"

"Sure.Mind if I bring Dan here?"

"Oh Dan is here? Hey Dan!" She looked behind me and waved at Dan.

"Hi."he said back, smiling.

"Would you like to join us to the buffet down the lobby?"

"Sure!" He stood up and walked besides me.


We talked and laughed as we went down to the buffet.We saw Alfie,Phil and (y/f/n) sitting down in a table.

"Hey guys." I said as we approached to the table.

"Hi."they say back.

"Come on let's go get breakfast." (Y/f/n) said excitedly as she grabbed my wrist and speedily took me to the line.

"Gosh I am out of breath!" I said panting.

"Are you bloody kidding me?! We just ran a meter!"

"Hey! A meter is a meter! That is a whole lot!"

She rolled her eyes and handed me a plate.

I grabbed blueberry pancakes, scrabbled eggs, sausages and bacon.We then sat down and waited for the rest of them.

Then Zoella sat down and smiled at me.

"When is your birthday?" She asked as she cuts her pancake in half.

"In about a month from now." (Just Dil with it)

"Ah that's nice!"

"I guess so.So how's Nala?"

"Oh she is great! Are you excited about your first convention?"

"Um to be honest I am quite scared.Like what if I accidentally spit in them or what if I fall and flash people?"

She laughed. "It could be worse."


Then everyone else sat down and we all talked about the most weirdest thing ever.

"Well I am sorry guys I have to leave.My meet and greet starts in hour from now and I want to go get things prepared." I stood up and picked up my plate.

"Give it to me!" Dan said as he extended a hand.

"No Dan its fine.I'll take yours instead since I am standing.You know I'll take everyone's!"

"No thanks."Dan and Phil said.

"No.No its fine." Zoella replied.

"Nah I will take mine thank you." Alfie informed.

"Yeah take it.I am to lazy!" (Y/f/n) said.

"Kk." I picked up her plate and put it away in the cart.I went to pick up my purse from my chair.

"Bye guys!" I said as I grabbed my bag.

"Bye!" They all said.

I walked away and searched for the place.

~* Phil's POV *~

"Phil?" (Y/f/n) whispered.

"Hm?" I replied.

"What times is your meet up?"

"Well its at 4:00." I look at the nearest clock. "I still have 3 hours to spare."

"Nice." She turned her head to everyone else.It made me realize how beautiful she is.I couldn't help but stare.

"Zoella and Alfie. When does your meet up start?" She asked.

"Mine starts at 3." Zoella replied.

"Mine is until tomorrow." Alfie answered.

"Okay.I just wanted to make sure you wouldn't make it late.Hey Dan when is (y/n) book signing again?"

"Its on Wednesday at Guild Library at 2:40ish I believe so." He answered.

"Oh okay."

"You guys.We should plan a surprise party for (y/n)!" Zoella yelled.

"When is her birthday?" I asked.

"It on August 23." (Y/f/n) answers. (just Dil with it)

"We have plenty of time!" Alfie slurred.

"Okay so basically we should..." And the Zoella started explain what we could do for the party.

~* Hours Later *~

"Come on (y/n) let's go to the YouTube party!" Dan pleaded.

"Ugh!" She muffled. "Fine!"

We then all walked down at the party.


I will be uploading a new chapter every Saturday! Since I am always busy because of school I can just work on a new chapter during the week and upload it in Saturday

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