Chapter 14.

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~° A year later °~

~* Your POV *~

I click on the 'Publish' button and lay down.

My channel had grown so quickly I have over a million subscribers already and I have also have published my own book.This year just keeps getting better and better.

(y/f/n), Dan, Phil and I are packing up to head over to vidcon.

I bring out my new and offical Cannon camera and start recording.

"Hello! I am now packed for vidcon and we are now waiting for Dan and Phil which they should call me by now." I turn on my phone and look to see its 2:45pm. As I did that someone started ringing me.I see the caller I.D and it said Lioner. "Sorry hold on Phil is calling me."

I quickly turn off the camera and answer.

"Are you ready for your first convention?!" Phil yelled bursting my ear a little.

"YEAH!" I purposely yelled.

"I'll meet you guys down stairs!" He said before he hung up.

~° Next Day °~

"I AM BACK CALI!" Phil yelled extending his arms letting the sun rays hit his pale skin as he got off the cab.

We all got off and walked into the hotel, we signed in and first went into Phil's room.

"Let's take a picture!" I said bringing out my phone.

Dan stood behind me,Phil besides me and (y/f/n) on the other side.We smiled and Dan did the typical peace sign and I took the picture.

"Are you excited you can finally meet your fans?" Dan asked.

"I am nervous and scared and ASDFGHJKL."

"Hey (y/n), calm down!""


"Let's go to the pool." (Y/f/n) said as she was looking out the window.

"I didn't even bring a swim suit." I pouted.

"Damn. I really wanted to see you in one." Dan joked.

I blushed.My feelings for Dan just grew stronger everyday over the past year.But I knew I never had the chance, especially now that he started dating Cat.

Someone knocked at our door.I went and opened it.

Well speak of the devil.

It was cat and she rushed inside, pushing me a little to the side, and hugged Dan as he did the same.

"I am so glad I get to see you babe." She said smiling up at him.

"I am too."

He then kissed her.The rest of us stood there awkwardly,not knowing what to do.

They pulled away and awkwardly looked at us.

"Sorry guys." Cat said as he stood besides him and held his hand.

"Could we go to the pool now?" Phil said making things a little bit better.

"Sure why not?" Cat replied. "Let me go get ready."

She let go of his hands and walked out.

~ Minutes Later ~

"I need to tan while I am here." Phil said as he took off his shirt and sat down on the chair.

I looked towards (y/f/n) who was blushing at a shirtless Phil.

"Come one Dan lets go into the pool!" Cat tugged his arm.

"Okay." He said and wrapped his arm around her waist.

I held the urge to cry and sat besides Phil.

"I know you're not happy." He said looking at me.

"I really am not.I am jealous of her having Dan as her partner. CRAP! I wasn't supposed to say that." I slapped my head.

"Let me tell you a little secret."

I payed my full attention towards him.

"He is confused."

"What do you-"

"He told us once that he liked you. Then Cat asked him out and he would of have felt bad rejecting her so he is dating her now."

"What the-"


"So that means - Dan has a thing for me?"

"Well kinda. I mean he told us that a long time ago and plus he has been dating Cat for 3 months now so. I cant really answer that. Come on.Don't stress over it and lets go to the pool." Phil stood up.

"Okay.Come on (y/f/n). Your coming." I glared at her.

"F u no I need to tan."


Phil and I jumped in the water and laughed as we got to the surface.

~* Dan's POV *~

When Phil and (y/n) jumped in and laughed I couldn't help but stare for a second.Phil has a better chance than I do.If only she felt the same back.

I went insane to the point I kept denying my deep feelings for her.I didn't know I was staring longer than I intended until Cat splashed me with water.

"Hey are you okay babe?" She asked with concern.

"Yeah.Why wouldn't I be?" I replied.

"I was trying to get your attention for the past minute."

"Oh.I am sorry."

"Do you love her?"


She got out of the water and sat down on the chair. I followed her and sat down besides her.

"Just be honest with me."

I knew who she was talking about but I decided to act like I didn't know.I sighed with annoyance and look at her straight in the eyes.

"I need to know the truth Dan.I promise I won't get mad at you. I mean I can't control your feelings."

"Okay. Yes I do. I do love her. I love her so darn much I want to hold her tight and never let go I need her I want to be able to call her mine."

"Okay. Now you admitted it!" Good."

"You aren't hurt?"

"No. I was doing it for you to admit what you feel deep down. Don't deny your feelings. Just come out and say it to her. I've seen the way she looks at you.It may be a sign."

I chuckled.That helped me boost up my confidence.

"I'll tell her when Phil and I go to her book signing."

"Okay.I'll ask Phil if you did it or not."

Minutes later we all got into the pool and stayed there for hours. Then we went back inside the hotel and fell asleep in our own rooms.



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