Kidnapped by Peter Pan (Peter Ouat)

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Show:Once upon a Time. 
Age: 17 years. 
Status: Princess but don't act like one .
 Person:Peter Pan .Situation:Kidnapped by Peter Pan.
 Looks:Blond hair bleu grey eyes

Lucile POV

I can't believe it. It's been almost to months ago that bloody demon kidnapped me. I'm supposed to do my royal duties not play with a stupid bow with some arrows. And why am I the only girl here. All the boys flirting woth me is quite annoying. At the begging I was happy to be away from the castle and all those stupid princess things.
"What's the matter love why are you in the middle of the forest all alone?" said Peter. "Just thinking about how to go of this bloody island" "Nobody is getting of the island without my permission or me knowing it". I got angry and my hands went on fire. "Relax love the others aren't here to bother you now" "There is still you" you didn't want to say that aloud. Peter slammed you against a tree and you whimper. " You will love me..." He started kissing every inch of your face and neck and leaving a hickey on your neck. You were shocked and when he kissed you on the lips you didn't kiss back. "Lucile ... stop denying your love for me and KISS BACK" You finally kissed back. Peter was satified and you forgot why you would leave the island. He claimed you and you became the princess of neverland and HIS princess.

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