The prophecy part 2 (Peter, Narnia)

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Adelinde POV

The next day I woke up and I had it warm even if we were outdoors in the cold winter. I snuggle more to the warm source and I felt arms tighten around my waist. "Awn they look cute" "Our little Adeline is growing up" "Told you he loved her" "Well he better not just her" I heard all those voices so I open my eyes and I found The Pevensie girls with the beavers smiling down at me. Curiously I try to see why they smile so much I tried to stand up but something was holding me back then I realised Peter isn't standing before me so I looked behind me and saw Peter sleeping while holding me. "Peter?" I whispered softly in his ear but he only turned lying in his back and pulling me on the top of him in reponse. "Can you please stop staring and help me out of this situation" I yelled trying to avoid the akwardness with everyone eyes on me. "What is it? Are you hurt?Why are you..." Peter panicked but stopped when he realized the situation and blushed. "I'm sorry" he said embarrassed. "Don't worry just next time tell me you are gonna to use me as a teddybear first" I said laughing. "I hoped you to be someone else than a teddybear" he said trying to avoid my eyes. I took his chin to make him look in my eyes and asked him "What do you mean?". He started to strike my cheek with his thumb and he said "Adelinde I never believed in love at the first right until I met you. Will you please be my girlfriend?" . "I would love to" you said and you quickly shared a kiss before continuing your journey to go to Aslan to save Edmund.

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