Who is that? (Tom HP)

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You're Abraxas Malfoy twin sister (y/n). You're in the same year but not always have the same classes. You're really smart but you are better to be in Slyterin. When you were 4 years old you were bitten by a vampire. You could come to Hogwarts because you only drink animal blood once a month so headmaster Dippet accepted that you could go outside after cureview. One day you were talking to Abraxas, he suddenly stopped talking when a boy entered the room also known as Tom Marvolo Riddle. Tom mentionned him to come. "Sorry sis see you later" Abraxas said. "See you later" you said. "Abraxas when are you done trying to get attention from girls" Tom said. Abraxas started laughing but soon stopped when he saw Tom's expression. "That girl is (y/n), my twin sister" Abraxas said. "Well I see, she's reading a book so that means that she is probably smarter than you" Tom said still starting at you. Your best friend came and said "OMG (y/n) the Tom Riddle, the hottest boy in school is staring at you". You looked at Tom and he quickly turned away. You huffed "Nobody will ever want me, nobody wants a vampire" you said and stomped out of the common room. You can be quickly angry sometimes. Tom staring at you and the direction you had go. "Dude do you like my sister?" Abraxas said. "No shut up" Tom said and stomped away.  You started walking to the direction of the forest when professor Horace called you "(y/n) dear I would like to invite you to one of the slugclub dinners" "Thank you professor I will be there"you said. When you entered the room, you saw the others, Abraxas and his friends, you were the only girl and you were in a beautifull evening dress and wearing make up so all the boys had their mouths hanging open except Abraxas of course. Tom soon closed it when you were looking at him. (Imagine Tom didn't talk to professor Horace that night). "Miss Malfroy how lovely to join us" said the professor. All evening you felt a pair of eyes on you, but you didn't look because you know  when you will look that he will turn away. After the dinner you went for a night stroll and you had the feeling being followed. You turned around and asked "What are doing here this late at night?"."I'm a prefect and why are you here?" said Tom. "I have a permission from the headmaster" you said. "Why would he give you a permission?" He asked. "None of your business Riddle" you said with your eyes turning dark. "Interesting" he said. "Your Tom Riddle, aren't you supposed to hex me?" I asked. "You're a vampire" he said. "That wasn't my question" I said. "What?" he asked. "Just leave me alone" I said. I wanted to stomp away but he pushed me againt a tree. "Let me go, I said that ...." I was interupped by his lips on mine. I kissed back. When he let go, I looked at him shocked. "(y/n) If I rule over the world, would you be my queen?" he asked. "Sure if that will happen" I said. "Until then do you want the title as my girlfriend" he asked hope in his eyes. "I would love too" I said. We were making out till midnight. Sadly Tom as a perfect need to be in his dorm at that time.

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