New girl in town (Baelfire,OUAT)

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Looks:Dark brown hair and dark blue eyes

Situation:She was new to StoryBrooke and he volunteered to show her around after that he asked her on a datePowers: Yes but only uses them when she need to

POV Jane

I entered this town called 'StoryBrooke' and I started wandering around the forest where a saw a woman with short dark hair helping a animal who had his feet stuck. She turned around and she noticed me. "Hello I'm Mary-Magaret or Snow and you must be new here" she said smiling. "Yes indeed I'm Jane" I said shaking hands. "You must be cold come with me to my house for a nice cup of tea" she said, I didn't noticed I was shivering from the cold so I happily agreed. We were drinking and talking when someone knocked on the door. She opened it and there were two men, she greeted them and kissed him guessing it was her husband and the other man was a rather handsome guy. "Who's this?" the handsome one asked. "I'm Jane and I'm new here" I said. "I'm Neal or Baelfire and this is David or Charming, nice to meet you" he said. "Nice to meet you too" I said. "So do you want me to show you around the town" he volunteerd. "Yes please that's very nice of you". He showed me every little corner in the town and he even introduced me to a lot of people, they seem really nice but the one with the hook is freaking me out a bit. "And the last stop on the tour is Grannys you can eat and sleep here" he said smiling. "Thank you for this lovely tour, the place seems nice" I said. "No problem" he said. "I think I'll stay here for the night and go to my new home tomorrow, I hope we see eachother again sometime" I said starting to leave but he put a hand on my shoulder "Wait! Can I ask you something?" he said staring directly into my eyes. "Sure anything" I said."Do you want to go out sometime?"he asked scratching his neck nervously. "As in a date?" you asked feeling butterflies inside. "Yes only if you want to" he said. "It's a date then" I said kissing his cheek and leaving him standing there smiling like an idiot. I entered my new house and started unpacking. I went to go buy some groceries before bgetting ready for my date with Neal. As I was walking to the store, Hook came up and tried to hug me, I pushed him and got ready to use my powers. "Wait I just want to thank you"he said putting is hands up in surrennder. "What why?" you asked confused. "Because now Neal is all over you and I can be with Emma in peace" he said. "Ok alright have a nice day" I said. "Yeah you too don't have too much fun with Neal" he said "Don't promise anything" you said laughing when you really to cover up you up. The moment you were ready the doorbell went on. "Hey you look ravishing" he said. "Thanks you don't look bad yourself" he said. We went to Grannys and the song 'Only you' came from the jukebox came. "It's my favorite song" you said smiling. "Really mine too want to dance my lady" he said. "Sure you danced to the song and when it ended you kissed. After one year you get married.

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