You can get hurt (Peter Narnia)

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Movie: Narnia;
Name: Mischa;
Person: Peter;
Age: 20;
Looks: short curly black hair green eyes with brown, flecks of yellow and pools of blue;
Situation: Accidently traveled to Narnia with the Pevensies, has always been in love with Peter.

Mischa POV

I was reading next to a stand with Susan when a boy tries to make an attempt to flirt with her. I kinda zoned out thinking about Peter. Peter Pevensie, the oldest child. He has perfect dirty blond hair with perfect blue eyes. I have short curly black hair and green eyes with brown, flecks of yellow and pools of blue. Suddenly we heard someone shouting "SUSAN!! MISCHA!!". It was Lucy. "Come you jave to see this" she said. And we followed her, we saw some boys fighting and when I looked more closely I saw one of the boys was Peter. He saw us and started at us for a moment. A boy pushed trough us and it was Edmund. "Edmund!!" said Lucy but he didn't listen. Then finally some soldats came to stop the horrible fight. "What happened this time?" Susan asked. "He pushed me" he said. "So you hit him?" Lucy asked. "After he did that, he tried to make me apologize then it's when I hit him" said Peter. "Is it just so hard to ignore them and walk away" said Susan. "Yeah, Susan is right Peter " I said. In the corner from my eye I saw the boy from earlier aproching us. "Pretend you're talking to me" said Susan. "But we are talking to you" said Edmund. I laughed. "Really Mischa, it isn't funny" said Susan. "Ough" cried Lucy. "Shh" said Susan. "Someone pinched me" she said. "Stop pulling" Edmund said. They all stood up and the train started to go faster. "It's like magic" said Lucy. "Quickly everyone hold hands, you too Mischa" said Susan. Then we were in a cave. We walked out and a saw one of the most beautifull views I saw in my whole life. We started running to the water and splashing. Peter grabed me by the waist and start spinning me around while holding me but he lost his balance while spining me and we both fell with me on the top of him. I felt his hot breath on my face and I stood up blushing furisley. I offered him my hand and I helped him up but I was about to fall but he catched me and pulled me up so we were chest to chest. I blushed again and looked away when I saw the others staring at Edmund. "What is it?" asked Peter. "Where do you think we are?" said Edmund. "What do you think" said Peter. "Well I don't remember any ruins in Narnia" said Edmund. The Pevensies always told me stories about their adventures in Narnia and I believed them. "Then I suggets we must explore" I said. "Good idea" said Lucy. "Stay close" said Peter taking my hand and I felt butterflies in my belly. "Aww how cute" said Lucy to Susan while she looked at them. Peter snickered. "This is her first time in Narnia what if there is something dangerous" said Peter at them. Edmund rolling his eyes at Peter and winked at me. All the Pevensies know you love Peter except him. Peter glared at him but I shook it off. We were walking around the ruins when Susan picked up a golden chess piece. "Hey it's from my chess set" said Edmund. "I wondered we lived here" asked Peter. "I think we did" said Susan. Lucy started running and we followed her. We found out that was Cair Paravel. Edmund and Peter pushed a door open. Peter took a stick and started pulling a bit of his shirt off while doing this I could see his abs. "You don't have any matches, do you? asked Peter to Edmund. "No but this might help" he replied tooking out his new lamptorch. I laughed. "Couldn't you mention a bit sooner" said Peter with his accent. Edmund entered first and Peter last. Such a gentleman but if Edmund didn't go first we problely falled down the stairs. They opened their chests and we changed, Susan gave me one of her dresses. We started walking, Peter holding my hand. We saw two men trying to drow a dwarf but we rescued him. He wasn't very thankfull and Edmund started a fight with him . I was scared because the dwarf was really good and Peter saw that and put his arm around my waist. After the fight, we talked to the dwarf and we are going to Aslan's How. "Wait stop" said Peter suddenly. We stopped and all turned to look at him. "You can get hurt" he said to me. "It's sweet of you to trying to protect me but I'm staying with you" I said. "But you can't fight" he said. I was getting tired of him sometimes he can be really stuborn and overprotective.But I decided to control my anger and said "Then learn it me please" batting my eyelashes. "Fine" he said, I smiled from ear to ear and kissed his cheek. He looked me in the eyes. And I saw hunger and love but I must be dreaming. But boy was I wrong. He slamed me against a tree and started kissing all of my face and neck and then ended with my lips."I have always been in love with you Mischa" Peter said. "Me too" I said. "Will you do the honor of being my girlfriend?" asked Peter. "Of course" Isaid happily. "Finally" Lucy said. "It was about time." said Edmund. "After all those years" said Susan. The dwarf gagged but I couldn't care.

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