You're special to me (Henry OUAT)

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Age:15 Person:Henry Mills Looks:Black hair and brown eyes
Situation:I'm Rapuzel back in the enchanted forest, I'm new to school because in really shy and my mother is always afraid that someone would take me away
Powers:Yeah, healing

Henry POV

'School is so boring, I prefer going on adventures like I had with the evil author and in Neverland, except the fact I was nearly dead because of Pan'I thought. "Class today we have a new student before she was homeschooled, her name is Kiley" grandma (snow) said. A beautiful girl with black hair and brown eyes walked in. I thought I saw her somewhere before maybe the storybook.

Kiley POV

'Why they have to all stare at me?" I thought, the teacher saw it and said "Class continue to work with your projet". Everyone started working and the teacher said I could help someone so she asigned me with Henry, the son of the savior. 'Fantastic he must popular and I'm just the new kid in this world, if I was back in the Enchanted Forest everyone will know me as the princess Rapunzel' I thought. "Hey I'm... K...Kiley" I said shyley. "Hey I'm Henry, can I ask you something?" he said "Sure" I said. "Why were you homeschooled?" he asked. "Well can you keep a secret?" I asked. "Sure" he said "My mom is kinda afraid that someone will take me away, you probably think it's sounds stupid" I said "Of course not, are you from the Enchanted Forest?" he asked. "Yeah, I'm Rapunzel" I said. "Class is over, have all a nice day and I will see you on monday" the teacher said. "Sorry, now you're projet isn't finished yet because of me" I said. "Of course it's not your fault" he said "Well what if I will help you this weekend with your projet" I asked. "Sure sounds fun saturday at 2pm at my house?" he asked. "Sure I will be there, bye Henry" I said "Bye Kiley" he said. 'He is so nice, cute, handsome ... no Kiley that's not gonna happen, be happy is already your friend and not your bully' I thought.

Henry POV

"Hey mom, how do I look?" I asked my adopted mom. "I thought she was helping you with your projet, not a date?" she said. "What a date? No it's not like that" I said frowing at the thought she wouldn't be interested in me. "Oh honey, you are a handsome young man and don't forget you have the heart of the truest believer, don't ever think you're not good enough for someone, you have to believe in yourself" she said. "Thanks mom" I said. "Well I have to go, have fun and good luck" she said. When I was satisfied with my look, I made some popcorn and took some movies we could watch. The doorbell rang "Hey Henry, wow you look...nice" she said. "Hey Kiley come in" I sais trying hard to stay cool and not to blush. "I thought we would work on your projet?" she said confused. "Why not watch a movie?" he asked. "Henry, you could get problems if the projet isn't finished" she said seriously. "Fine, we would do the projet first" I said. She smiled happily and we start to work but I cut myself when I was using a knife. "Henry give me your arm" she said and to my suprise, she healed the cut. "How?" I said. "I have healing powers" she said;. "That's cool" I said. "No I'm not special" she said. That angered me, I pushed her on the kitchen counter and I started kissing her. Then she kissed back and I said "Your special to me". The rest of the day I watched movies with the girl I love in my arms. 'Maybe my mom was right' I thought.

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