Magical love (Henry, OUAT)

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OUAT.Kathy DunBroch.15 years,Henry (lets say he's 16).Blonde, wavy hair, blue/green eyes.In Storybrook, after magic is back and Henry turns Violet down and says he loves me. Cursed with light magic,Princess, I am Merida's niece. Her mother had a sister, my mom, but she and my father died so the DunBrochs took me in when I was only 3 years

Kathy POV

It has been two days since the magic has returned to Storybrooke. And here I was in the forest alone shooting arrows one by one in center. I used to hang around a lot with Henry here in this part of the forest until he started getting all over Violet and that started dating, since then I didn't exist for him anymore or if I tried talking normally to him, he started telling Violet this Violet that... so that is were it ended our friendship was gone forever I thought. I suddenly heard a twig snap and send in defends mode. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be doing something with Violet because if you gonna talk hours long about her again, just turn around and leave" I said glaring even if I may have feelings for him I'm still angry. "I'm not here for Violet and want to spend time with you and by the way nice aiming" he said smiling. "It runs in my blood you doofus and since when do you want to spend time with me?" I said not trusting this for one bit.  "Since we're best friends" he said in a "duh" tone. "We were very friends till you started to ignore me" I said. "I'm really sorry about that what if we go to Grannys and I buy you some food" he said hopefully. "Fine but being a gentleman doesn't make everything up"I said warning him. "I will tell my mom first and I will take my jacket too" you said. "Wait why don't you text your mom, here take my jacket"he said. "Okay you're acting weird you didn't act like this before Violet came" you said suspiciously. "That's because I realised I love you" he muttered. "You what? But what about your precious Violet?" you said suprised. "I kinda turned her down when the magic came back for me it was a sort of wake up call saying that my heart belongs to you and not with Violet" he said. "Oh Henry" you said hugging him. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked with hope in his eyes. "Yes but you really have to make it up for a lot the time you have ignored me" you said seriously. "I will my princess" he said against your lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2017 ⏰

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