My hero (Edmund,Narnia)

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Person:Edmund Pevensie


Looks:Brown eyes, dark brown hair, tan skin, black glasses

POV Erin

I'm trapped in a boat tied up with Trumpkin glaring at the two telmarine soldiers. "He won't stop staring" one said. "Then stop looking" the other responded. Two minutes later one said "We're enough". First they took Trumpkin and we're about to drop him. When someone shouted "Drop him!". "Drop him" he said angrily. They of course dropped him making me gasp poor Trumpkin. Then out of fear they jumped at the same out of the boat making it rocking furiously and making me fall out the boat. Right before closing my eyes thinking I would die I saw someone swim towards me. One boy who look like the oldest of the four saved Trumpkin and the other boy with the same age as me saved me. "Thank you for saving us"I said. "Drop him that's what you come up with" Trumpkin said angrily. "A thank you would suffice"the oldest girl said. "Thanking you they were doing fine drawing is without your help" he said. "Whey did they want to drown you anyway" the oldest boy asked. "They're telmarines, that's what they do"he answered. "Telmarines in Narnia?"the boy my age asked. 'Who are this people' I thought. "Where were you the most hunderd years" Trumpkin asked. "It's a bit of a long story" the youngest girl said while the other gave the oldest boy his sword. 'Wait a minute, isn't that High King Peter's sword' I thought. "You got to be joking, you're the kings and queens of old?" Trillion asked. "High King Peter the Magnificent" the oldest boy said. "You could of left the last part"I laughed. "You will be suprised" he said taking his sword. "You don't want to that boy" Trumpkin said. "Not me him" he mentioned the boy my age. After the fight we were sure that they weren't joking so we lead them to the narnians. Not really special well except that Edmund caught me by waist when I was about to fall. I do know I have feelings for him. I probably look like nothing from the fight I just wore a short and some trousers and boots with my brown dark hair pulled in a messy bean.

POV Edmund

Right know they said that we were not far from the glasses. The dwarf is really moody sometimes but the girl is so sweet and not to mention pretty. I love it when her brown eyes sparkle through her glasses and her smile is amazing. I don't care if she wears a bloody dress, she is beautiful in my eyes. "Ed, you're staring" Susan said. "I'm not staring at Erin" I said. "I didn't said anything about Erin" she said smirking. "Talk to her" she pushed me and up tripping taking Erin with me. We were looking in each other eyes and I started cupping her face. When I realized it I started blushing like hell and draw my hands away. But then she said something "Don't stop it" so I did it again. I felt myself drawn to her like a magnet and we kissed. We broke the kiss and smiled but we completely forget we had audience until we heard clapping. Try to ignore them"Be mine please?" I asked nervously. "Always" she said smiling .

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