I'm not evil (Peter Narnia)

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Movie:Narnia ;
 Person:Peter Pevensie;
 Looks:Dark brown hair, brown eyes.
Situation:I'm a Narnian and the White Witch's daughter. 
Powers:Yeah snow .

POV Jassmine

Why am I always supossed to be with my mom? Now I'm in the slee with my mum, the dwarf and Edmund to find the other pevensies children. I try to occupy myself making snowflakes.It's freezing outside, poor Edmund he must have cold because he doesn't have his cloak. We arrived at the forest near the stone table to build a camp, the dwarf tied Edmund to a tree. When nobody looked around I sneak up behind Edmund and froze the ropes and put the gag off. "What are you doing?" whispered Edmund. "No time to talk come on I'm gonna bring you to your family"  I said.

POV Peter

I hope Aslan will be able to find Edmund. "PETER LOOK" shouted Lucy tugging at my shirt. I turned around and saw Edmund with someone, a girl and she is beautifull with here dark brown eyes and her matching brown eyes . "EDMUND" shouted the other 3 Pevensie children while hugging him. I saw the girl standing next to us with a beautifull smile. "Hello I'm Peter Pevensie from Finchley and you?" I said. "Uhm... I... am J..Jassmine" said she. "Wait why did you bring him here, the beavers said that you're the white witch's daugther?" stated Susan. "Wait she isn't like her mother she saved me, please don't kill her or anything" said Edmund. "Edmund, don't worry I know I'm not wanted and I should go." said Jassmine walking away. "Edmund go have some rest, girls show him where it is" I said. When they started walking away, I ran towards Jasmine. "Wait please " I said. She turned around tears streaming down her face. I gently put away her tears with my thumb. "Sorry but I must go" she cried. Not knowing what to do I started kissing her.

POV Jasmine

Suddely Peter started kissing me, I was shocked first but I kissed back. And of course someone had to ruin the moment because someone couged. It was Aslan. "Thank you for saving Edmund, princess Jassmine if you wish to stay, you can with us and Peter of course. I blushed. "Thank you but I think Jadis would be very angry" I said sadly. "If your mother would be not pleased, I will talk to her, she knew love but became who she is now after your father passed away" said Aslan. I looked at Peter and he said "Please I love you" "I love you too Peter and I will stay" I said. When Aslan left, Peter pushed me against a tree and then started kissing me with a lot of passion. Then it ended up having a make out session.

After the war, I was a bit sad that my mother died but Peter helped me trough hard times. I lived with the Pevensie children in Cair Paravel and one night when Peter and I layed on the beach. Cuddling and gazing at the stars Peter proposed to me. And of course I said yes. ;)

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