The girl from Beauxbatons Part 1(James II HP)

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You are expelled from Beauxbatons for pulling a prank on the headmistress, Madame Maxime and now you're going to Hogwarts in your fifth year. You got on a train and every guy stared at you, the perks of being a veela. You entered a compartement and you were staring out the window until  four boys and tree girls entered the compartement and asked to come sit with you. You accepted and they introdused themselves as Lilly Potter, Roxanne Weasley, Rose Weasley, Fred Weasley, James Potter, Albus Potter and Louis Weasley. "I'm (y/n) (l/n) and I'm expelled for Beauxbatons" you said. "Why?" they asked curiously. "For pulling a prank on Madame Maxime, the headmistress of Beauxbatons" you said. "I'm the prank king of Hogwarts" James said. "Well maybe sometime we could pull a prank together" you said smiling at him. "Yeah and you could be my queen" said James winking at you. "In your dreams Potter" you said. "Yeah I would probably dream every night about you" said James. You tried to hold your blush. 

You're were sorted after the first years and you were glad to be in Gryffindor with your friends

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You're were sorted after the first years and you were glad to be in Gryffindor with your friends. In transifiguration, you zoned out when you heard the professor said "Mr Potter stop staring at Miss (l/n), Is she your girlfriend?" You turned around to look at him. "Yes professor" he said and all the girls cooed and all the boys growned. "Well you two could sit togheter at the front maybe you will both pay attention" the professor said. You glared at James and you both sited at the front.  Later on the day you were sitting in the library doing your homework when James took a place next to you. "Can you give me the answers?" James asked. You signed and decided to hold your anger. "No  James, you need to make your homework by yourself" you said. "But I have no time for that, I need to pull some pranks on the Slytherins" he said. "You can do that an other time" you said. He grabbed your homework and ran out the library. You tried to get it back but suddenly James kissed you. You slapped him and grabbed your homework back and walked away angrily. "(y/n) wait" he called. "What" you spat. "I'm sorry" he said "For stealing my homework or kissing me" you said. "Well.. I" he started but you cut him off "Thanks James for being unwilling my first kiss" you said angrily, tears streaming down your face. "How could I be your first kiss?" he asked stunned. "First, I come from a school for girls and the second reason you would maybe know if you stared to get to knowing me first" You said and stomped to your dorm, not wanting to see James at dinner.

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