Cheaters never win (Peter,OUAT)

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Person:Peter pan

Looks:Med brown/black/purple

Situation:Pan cheats on me with Wendy then he thinks I'm cheating on him sends me off neverland comes back to save Henry 10 yrs later and he's going out with wendy



POV Aminata

"Could I ask you a favour dearie?"Rumple asked. "Depends what the favour is Rumple" I said. "Don't call me Rumple" he said. "Then don't call me dearie" I said. "We need your help to save Henry" he said. "The dark one is asking me for help, you make me feel special, that's sweet" I said. Rolling his eyes he said "So it's a yes" then?" he said. "Absolutley" I said. We appeared at the front of the Jolly Roger. "You got to be joking, I'm not returing back there" I said trying to run away but they already had a firm grip on me and tied me up. After a while it begins to storm and Rumple just that as a cue to leave me alone with this helpless people, there was a mermaid who was trying to kill them but I couldn't help and transform in a mermaid because of that genuis of a captain. After we were almost killed thanks to them, the storm ended and the place I never planned to return come in view. After a while we set a camp, I ws annoyed of their bickering so I went for a walk, gladly I remembered this place from head to toe so it didn't got lost but suddenly someone covers my mouth and dragged me somewhere. To my relief it wasn't the devil himself but his son Rumple, "You almost give me a heart attack" I said. "Well, well, well ... who do we have here the dark one and Aminata, what a suprise" someone said. "Felix leave" I said. "I just come here to tell you that Pan welcomes you on the island but if you want the boy well ... that makes you Pan's Enemy" Felix said. "Nothing has changed then"Rumple said. I zoned out when Feliw was giving Rumple something and making him cry. After Rumple cried himself to sleep I went to look for any people captured by Pan to free them and to make help us but I didn't expect to see Wendy locked up in a cage. "Wendy?"I asked confused. "Aminata what are you doing here?" asked Wendy. "Saving people duh what does it looks like" I said. "You don't have to Peter and I are dating" Wendy said. "Wendy this is insane don't you want to go back to your brothers" I said. "Yes but..." she starts but I cut her of "Look at you are locked up in a cage, a normal boyfriend does not lock his girlfriend up in a cage" I said. "Maybe you're right" She huffed. I transformed in a wolf to open up the cage. "Run Wendy I'll go to see if i can get to Henry" I said. When she was gone I turned around to be met with a pair of emerald eyes filled with rage, confusion, betrayel, hope, love... Wait this goes the wrong way. "Aminata is that you" he asked. "No the Evil Queen... of I am" I said rolling my eyes. 'Is it me or is he just being stupid' I thought. "Did you came back for me?" he asked. "Of course not stupid, I'm here trying to help saving Henry" I said. "But why come back if you hate me?" he asked. "It's called not being egoistic, maybe you should try that too sometime" I said. "I was never egoistic about things with you" he said. "You're dating Wendy, stop putting an act that you care about me" I said. "But I do care" he tried stroking my cheek but I slapped his hand away "Don't you dare touch me, I never cheated on you,never I would do that because I loved you and you cheated on me calling me a cheater, seriously and when I'm back acting that nothing happenend and that were all good" I said. "You loved me?" he asked. "Really is that the only thing you heard?!"I said. "As in you don't love me anymore?" he asked. "That's why there is the"d" after the word love means yes" I said rolling my eyes. "But I never stopped loving you"he said and trying to touch me again. "Listen Pan I'm going back to the others but if I catch you I will transform into a mermaid and drown you then transform into a wolf to cut you in pieces" I said storming away. 'Do I really still love him?' I asked myself...

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