This isn't the Enchanted Forest (Henry Ouat)

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Once Upon a Time a queen named Ramarina, was pregnant from a beautifull girl soon to be named (y/n). She was going to her best friend Regina also known as the evil queen. "Ramarina how are you, is everything alright." asked Regina. "In one month, I will give birth but I need a world where she can be save and learn her magic without worries" said Ramarina. "What do you mean?" ask Regina. "I'm gonna build a world where my husband, my daughter and I will live and this world will be perfect for her, I'm sorry Regina, I really gonna miss you" Ramarina cried at the last part. "Don't be sorry, I understand, no one can destroy her hapiness like what Snow White did with mine" said Regina with a smile and tears.

14 years later 

(Y/n) POV

I'm tired of this stupid world, everything is perfect, I know my mother's secret the rest of the people here are fake. I want to go back where I'm really supposed to be the enchanted forest but how? Wait a second my mother have some magic beans. I stole some beans and packed my backpack. I trew one at the ground at got in. I fell on the ground in some weird forest. "What is this place?" I said out loud. "Kid it's better to not wander around this late, it will soon be dark and this is Storybrooke by the way" said a woman with long blonde hair with I symphatic smile. I had this feeling I can trust her, that's of my powers really handy actually. "Well ... I used a magic bean willing to go to the Enchanted forest but I ended up here" I said. "Well all the people from the Enchanted forest are kinda brought to this town" she said. "Oh" I said. "You can spend the night at Grannys if you want she loves children and I'm Emma by the way" She said. "I'm (y/n) and thank you so much" I said. "Miss Swan you were supposed to take Henry after work, what is taking you so long" said a woman with black hair. Standing next to her was a cute looking guy. "Who are you and are you doing in my town" the blacked haired woman said crapping my wrist. "I'm (y/n), I came here with a magic bean" I said. "Wait a second, who is your mother?" she asked. "Ramarina" I said. "I'm sorry for being rude, I'm Regina Mills, the mayor and I was your mother's best friend" said Regina. "I'm Henry" said the cute guy. "Night Henry, night (y/n)... and night miss Swan" said Regina. "Night" we said back. "So I'll go to Grannys then" I said. "I will take you ... I mean can I walk you there" Henry said and blushed. "Sure if Emma agries of course" I said. "No problem, be home at eleven" Emma winked. Henry blushed. "Weird it's eight right now, is the way to Grannys that long" I asked confused. "No it will only take a few minutes" he said. 'Is there something I don't know' I thought. We were walking and when we where at Grannys to get the keys of my room. I walked with Henry to the park and we were sitting on a bench when suddenly he kissed me. "Uhm ... sorry" He blushed. "Don't be" I said. I started kissing him and he kissed me back. I think that getting out of that world was my best desition ever.

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